Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Expand Your Consciousness Using Brainwave Entrainment

You have three distinct levels of consciousness-your conscious mind, your subconscious mind, and the super conscious mind.
Brainwave entrainment is a neuro-technological tool that can give you access to each of these levels of consciousness.
You are in your conscious mind when you are aware, thinking, or acting deliberately, choosing one thought, action, or object over another based on information you have gathered from your surrounding environment at any given moment.
This is the beta brainwave frequency and you spend most of your time in this wave.
Too much of this mind, and you experience the toxic effects of stress.
Your subconscious mind is the part of the mind that you are not aware of.
The subconscious mind is 90% of the mind compared to 10% for the conscious mind.
Imagine an iceberg in the ocean.
The tip is your conscious mind and what is beneath the surface is your subconscious mind.
It receives various sensations from the outside world and interprets these sensations using the belief system you programmed it with when you were growing up.
After it evaluates how to interpret the stimulus, it integrates the result back out manifesting into your behaviour.
Your subconscious mind contains everything you have ever known, felt, or thought about.
It takes care of you on every level, including making sure your heart beats, you remember to breathe, and just for kicks, it fine tunes your addictions and habits too.
The super conscious mind or the collective unconscious is shared by all of humankind and represents the level of enlightenment attained by a person through spiritual efforts and access to special frequencies achieved by deep meditation.
This is where the subconscious sends your ideas, wishes, and desires to manifest in the physical world.
Some people believe that this is where God lives.
Expanding your consciousness means becoming more conscious on all levels and aspects of your life.
Enlightenment, an understanding that we are all connected and that we are here for a reason, is all about expanding your consciousness.
If you expand your consciousness, you are finding your authentic self, incorporating your higher self into your life.
Brainwave entrainment is a perfect tool to tune your brainwaves to the frequency needed to access your altered states of consciousness.
Once the brain is at the proper brainwave frequency, you can alter your state of mind and expand.
Expanding Your Consciousness Using BWE
  • Be still.
  • Close your eyes and follow the sound of the pulses on a specialized brainwave entrainment recording for consciousness expansion or the integrating of the conscious, subconscious, and super conscious mind.
  • Clear your thoughts.
    Let them float away without engaging them.
    As you go deeper into the next consciousness, there will be less and less of them.
  • Center your attention on your being.
  • Feel the observer who is watching you do this.
  • The observer is in a higher state of consciousness.
  • Feel the oneness and rest in this realization.
  • Feel the flow of spirit expressing itself through you.
  • Bring this energy into your conscious world.
  • Get to know your real self.
  • You will be love, intelligence and peace.
  • When the recording is over, bring your new found light into your life.
If you expand your consciousness, your life will change.
Your internal chatter will become less and less and your thoughts more manageable.
You will gain new clarity.
As you grow from your new found awareness, you will feel happier, more purposeful.
Brainwave entrainment is something you can use to speed up the process of getting to the point where you can shove off and expand your consciousness into the world.

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