Health & Medical Self-Improvement

How to Be Truly Happy

From time immemorial, human beings have searched for happiness, only few attain it while it continues to elude a larger fraction of the human race.
I want to tell you about the attitude of those who find happiness.
Maybe, just maybe if you are able to learn from their attitudes and inculcate them in your daily life, you'll be able to find happiness in your own niche.
I learnt these tips after many failures at happiness and it has worked for me.
oThey are strong I found out the hard way that people, who are happy, work for it, sounds funny right? Yeah! They work for it.
Going through hard times doesn't mean you have to be gloomy, they can go through tough times and still be happy.
This requires a lot of strength.
During a pediatric posting, there was this man, a father to my patient who was suffering from Kidney disease, I noticed that he was always smiling.
It was rare to find a parent or relation caring for a sick child smile at doctors and nurses in charge of their child constantly.
So I asked him why he was always smiling, and he said; "I smile not for today, I smile for him, for those times I had to spend with my child when he was healthy, I'm glad I had those moments and as much as I pray and fast for those times to come again, I will not regret it if they don't.
I know my son won't want me, too.
" Lesson; think of all those times that you were happy, bring forth the happiness you felt in the past to the present, it's difficult but possible.
It will remind you, your situation is temporary.
Nobody is saying things are always rosy here.
All I'm saying is that let's try to learn to smile even if you don't feel like it by thinking of those happy times and in time, you'll be truly happy.
oThey depend on themselves for their happiness Lots of my friends keep complaining "my boyfriend doesn't make me happy".
Before I'd listen, talk and be convinced the man doesn't deserve them, now, however, I advice them not to rely on him to make them happy.
This was after I realized most of my happiest friends before relationships remain so afterward while the ones that complained were shrews even before their relationships, wonder how those men survived.
Lesson; if you think someone was born to make you happy, think again.
Nobody but our selves can make us happy.
oThey help other people They help others achieve happiness, they are unselfish.
Have you ever given to charity? Do, and experience the joy that comes afterward.
You have to do it for entirely unselfish reasons not hypocrisy and then you'll enjoy a feeling of peace and true happiness.
I know because I've done it.
Lesson; give of yourself

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