Successful People Master The Art of Follow Through
No! Successful people are not perfect.
In fact they probably make more mistakes than most people, due to their willingness to keep trying.
However, successful people become resolute on this one thing; success comes to the ones who have decided to have it; and it is in pursuit of their intended goal that they master the art of follow through.
They maybe likened unto Edison who failed 10,000 times, or like Abraham Lincoln who failed at numerous businesses before being elected to public office.
As my colleague and friend Els and I were discussing recently; successful people don't always get it right, but you can be assured that they don't lean on excuses.
They don't aim to be perfect, but they do learn to walk their talk.
We celebrate them because of their pursuits to greatness and not because of their failings.
Their many failings help us to believe that we too can accomplish much if we keep going, however their determination to master the art of follow through tells us that success only comes to those who are willing to pay the price.
Mastering the art of follow through means you are willing to take full responsibility for the fruition of your desired outcome.
Mastering the art of follow through means you refuse to blame anyone else for your results.
Mastering the art of follow through means you are willing to learn what you need to learn and will not create alibis that will stand in your way.
Mastering the art of follow through means you won't focus on how many times you have failed, but instead on what it will take to succeed.
Mastering the art of follow through means you are determined to create the environment that will support your intended outcome.
Mastering the art of follow through means you will face the hidden gremlins that you don't want anyone else to see.
If there is one thing I have learned through all of my failings, that is, I have always been the person to determine the outcome.
Although I may have given myself silly excuses to talk myself out of not following through, I never realised that not following through meant no success.
It's a common mistake I see many people make these days.
They feel that by allowing themselves an excuse to not continue on the road to what they have decided to do, that they in some way are still going to succeed; and they may do, but not before taking back up the task and following through on it.
Success in any one thing is all about being willing to pay the price and quite simply, every single moment we are making those choices; believe it or not we are doing so willingly, albeit it those choices may be unconsciously done.
If you want to master the art of follow through learn from those who are already doing it.
Find a network of people who will hold you accountable and encourage you to never give up on your dreams, but instead to birth them despite your experiences and failings.
Find those crazy ones who despite their circumstances have found success and are willing to help you succeed because they understand, what it takes to master the art of follow through.
In fact they probably make more mistakes than most people, due to their willingness to keep trying.
However, successful people become resolute on this one thing; success comes to the ones who have decided to have it; and it is in pursuit of their intended goal that they master the art of follow through.
They maybe likened unto Edison who failed 10,000 times, or like Abraham Lincoln who failed at numerous businesses before being elected to public office.
As my colleague and friend Els and I were discussing recently; successful people don't always get it right, but you can be assured that they don't lean on excuses.
They don't aim to be perfect, but they do learn to walk their talk.
We celebrate them because of their pursuits to greatness and not because of their failings.
Their many failings help us to believe that we too can accomplish much if we keep going, however their determination to master the art of follow through tells us that success only comes to those who are willing to pay the price.
Mastering the art of follow through means you are willing to take full responsibility for the fruition of your desired outcome.
Mastering the art of follow through means you refuse to blame anyone else for your results.
Mastering the art of follow through means you are willing to learn what you need to learn and will not create alibis that will stand in your way.
Mastering the art of follow through means you won't focus on how many times you have failed, but instead on what it will take to succeed.
Mastering the art of follow through means you are determined to create the environment that will support your intended outcome.
Mastering the art of follow through means you will face the hidden gremlins that you don't want anyone else to see.
If there is one thing I have learned through all of my failings, that is, I have always been the person to determine the outcome.
Although I may have given myself silly excuses to talk myself out of not following through, I never realised that not following through meant no success.
It's a common mistake I see many people make these days.
They feel that by allowing themselves an excuse to not continue on the road to what they have decided to do, that they in some way are still going to succeed; and they may do, but not before taking back up the task and following through on it.
Success in any one thing is all about being willing to pay the price and quite simply, every single moment we are making those choices; believe it or not we are doing so willingly, albeit it those choices may be unconsciously done.
If you want to master the art of follow through learn from those who are already doing it.
Find a network of people who will hold you accountable and encourage you to never give up on your dreams, but instead to birth them despite your experiences and failings.
Find those crazy ones who despite their circumstances have found success and are willing to help you succeed because they understand, what it takes to master the art of follow through.