Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Don"t Quit

Top Ten Success Tips 1.
Think like you want to be...
It is hard to be happy, joyful and successful; if you don't think that you are a happy, joyful, and successful person.
Think it first.
Then do it! Talk it into existence.
Successful sports professionals visualise themselves cross the finishing lines and collecting the gold medals' long before such events materialise.
You need to adopt the same mental attitude.
Smile! There's no arguing with this one -- research has shown the smiling has both psychological and physiological effects.
So, put a smile on your face and you'll be on your way to a change in attitude! (Read my previous ezine article entitled, 'Smile!' dated 21/08/06) 3.
Immerse yourself Read books, ezines, articles and magazines that help you understand and adopt your new attitude.
Watch films or listen to music that inspire you and encourages you to change.
Purchase uplifting personal development CDs for your car and turn your vehicle into a travelling university.
Change your actions...
It is difficult to change your attitude, if you keep doing the same old stuff the same old way.
Do things differently to start thinking differently.
Embrace change.
Consider reading, "Who Moved My Cheese" or "Polar Bear Pirates" great little books on change.
Do not be fooled by their simplicity.
Change your environment Make your environment reflect the attitude you wish to have.
Create the physical space that makes you eager to change.
Start by having a clear out! Do some life laundry! Your wardrobe is a great place to start.
Many of us wear only 25% of our clothes.
Be ruthless and black bag it! The charity shops will be grateful and you will feel all the better for the de-clutter.
Follow the leader Find someone who already has the attitude you wish to have.
Follow their lead, learn from their example.
Help others (and help yourself) One of the fastest ways to change your attitude is to take the focus off yourself and to help others in need.
Take part a in a sponsored event.
This is a win/win as the charity benefits for the funds and you feel better and get fitter into the bargain.
Get a little help from your friends Contact your good friends and tell them what you're doing and enlist their support to help you change and give you ideas.
The more you feel like you're part of a group effort; the more likely you are to be successful.
Get a pro...
If the change you desire to make is a big one or is extremely radical, consider getting the help coach.
Professionals can reduce the time and frustrations involved; as well as provide you with many new ideas to help you grow.
Be patient Recognize that most changes occur slowly, over an extended period of time.
If you don't get immediate results, don't be surprised.
Keep working, it'll come.
Most importantly, DON'T QUIT! If you wish to enlist my professional help -just Google Eilidh Milnes.

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