Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Successful Mind Power

It is no coincidence that you are reading this article, as Tony Robbins would say, €The Quality of your life is based on the quality of the questions you ask yourself€ And you are probably questioning yourself how to improve the quality of your life, whether is financially, in health, in personal relationships, in your job, business or career etc...

Personal Development and learning how to control our own mind is the secret to success for anyone in any arena! So well done to you for taking the first step into searching for information on the topic!

After attending the amazing seminar of €Master Your Mind€ by T Harv Eker, and having John Kehoe as a special speaker, I have learned how to apply the main 6 Laws of the Mind and would love to share them with you:

1) Thoughts are real forces: Every thought that we think has a result and effect in our lives. You can start by thinking and affirming to yourself: €I am healthy, wealthy & wise! All I need is within me now; Miracles happen every day & every day they come to me!€

2) Every thought is always sending & receiving frequencies of energy: And it is these frequencies that affect the environment of your life.

3) The Law of attraction: thoughts need to be charged with emotion to be magnetised and attract the things that are on the same frequency.

4) Law of Control: You have the power to either entertain or dismiss negative thoughts, instead of letting them control your life, you can consciously choose to cancel them and replace them with more empowering ones.

5) Law of Insertion: You have the power and ability to insert any thought of any type into your mind; every thought that you contemplate with feeling or emotion gets sent out in the form of vibration into the Universe, and the best part is that they don't even need to be real! And why not take advantage of this amazing law?

6) Law of Connection: The inner world (thoughts, feelings, emotions) and the outer world (actions, circumstances, situations, results) are connected together, they must work together as a team because the Universe gave us two minds.

So basically your outer world is a pure reflection of your inner world and if you don't like the way your life looks & the things that happen to you, then you need to change your inner world first!

Remember, even if it seems difficult & overwhelming, small steps consistently taken produce extraordinary results! You don't need to be great to get started; you just need to start to be great!

For more articles on the topic, please visit:
By Sandra Bravo de Hassan

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