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Using The Law of Attraction - How To Get Exactly What You Want In Life

Using The Law of Attraction - How To Get Exactly What You Want In Life

The Law of Attraction is everywhere these days.Many successful individuals credit The Law Of Attraction with completely changing their life.If you've tried the intentions, the goal settings, the meditations and you haven't seen the results, then you've come to the right place.
Backing Into What You Want

Backing Into What You Want

What do you want? When the majority of people are asked that question they have great difficulty answering it. This article explains that phenomenon and gives a simple method for easily discerning what you really want.
Effects Of Stress And Its Regulation

Effects Of Stress And Its Regulation

Stress is getting a common place illness these days. To deal stress better, there are certain tools and techniques that is to be followed.
Super Deluxe Navigation System - How to Know When You Are on the Right Track

Super Deluxe Navigation System - How to Know When You Are on the Right Track

Most of the people that I work with are in the process of creating something new for themselves. They want something different, but often do not know what. There is an uncertainty around which direction to head in. How do you know when you are on the right track?
Clear Your Mind of Clutter in Five Easy Steps

Clear Your Mind of Clutter in Five Easy Steps

Un-cluttering your mind is not as easy as un-cluttering your closet or your bedroom. Mind clutter is an accumulation of things you do, deliberately or unwittingly, through the years until they become permanent traits; your way of doing things, your mindset, or your habit.
You Can Motivate Yourself To Success - History Of "Hierarchy Of Needs"

You Can Motivate Yourself To Success - History Of "Hierarchy Of Needs"

The Hierarchy of Needs theory was first published in 1954. It is usually presented in a pyramid where the Motives higher up in the pyramid may seem less "fundamental" than the ones lower down, such as hunger & thirst.
Life is a Game

Life is a Game

As an avid golfer, I've noticed that I always enjoy my rounds more when my playing partner(s) and/or opponent(s) are at least as good as I am or better. Playing with someone below my level of skill is not really as much fun as it is when I play with or against someone of equal or great ability.
Sex Workers and Sandal's Church - No One Sin is Greater and Everyone Deserves a Seat in God's House

Sex Workers and Sandal's Church - No One Sin is Greater and Everyone Deserves a Seat in God's House

I love the way that Sandal's Church puts it. SC has gathering called "Matthew's House" that particularly welcomes women and men from the sex industry: "Our belief is that no one sin is greater than another and that everyone deserves a seat in our churches should they want on
Emotional Healing Through Dreams

Emotional Healing Through Dreams

Everyone dreams and those dreams range from happy, storybook romances to our utmost fears and anxieties. If it's important to take responsibility for our actions in our "awake" life, then we also have to accept responsibility for our dreams, for they represent our inner thoughts and p
Fear - The Human Emotion That Can Immobilize You - Don't Allow It

Fear - The Human Emotion That Can Immobilize You - Don't Allow It

Everyone has fear of something.What's your greatest fear?Fear of flying, fear of public speaking, fear of dying, fear of being alone, fear of spiders, fear of what?
Success - Right Place, Right Time

Success - Right Place, Right Time

People who enjoy spectacular success often explain their secret of success by saying, "I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.".Here's how you can copy them.
Binaural Beats, Brain Entrainment and Achieving Effortless Success

Binaural Beats, Brain Entrainment and Achieving Effortless Success

What if there was a 21st Century solution to our age old problems? If you could get your hands on the latest technology to effortlessly change your life would you be interested?
Begin As You Would Like to Continue

Begin As You Would Like to Continue

Happy New Year! God I love the New Year! I love it for so many reasons! A new start, a new focus and it is the quietest month as far as success coaching goes. Now I know you may be wondering - What? Doesn't everyone want a success coach to help them with their goals for the new year? - No they
What Do Dreams Mean?

What Do Dreams Mean?

I had a dream last night, what did it mean? I wonder this question throughout my day. It was a rather odd dream that kept nagging at me to figure out it's meaning.
Limping Toward Brain Fray

Limping Toward Brain Fray

In the USA we have a lot of troubles right here at home that need new solutions and around the globe a lot of goodwill to pursue. We are adrift in the Titanic. It's going to take more than fuel efficient cars to turn our mess around and I am more convinced than ever that putting on our thinking
Summer Camps For Inculcating Good Habits In Your Children

Summer Camps For Inculcating Good Habits In Your Children

Summers are times when everything slows down and you just feel like sitting back at home in a cool room, having a cooler and relaxing.
Laughter, its Benefits and Some Ways to Use It

Laughter, its Benefits and Some Ways to Use It

I have been doing some study on the benefits of laughter. The reason for this is that my husband and I have the responsibility of managing a guesthouse. One of the functions of this guesthouse is to provide accommodation for workers who are assisting in third world countries. These workers may be si
Do You Really Value What You Wish For?

Do You Really Value What You Wish For?

I am sitting in a shopping mall, waiting for my wife to finish her Christmas shopping. Next to me is a rather pathetic-looking fountain, which contains hundreds of coins, mostly thrown in by children...
Lalita Devi, Shiva Shakti Swarupini - The Form Of Shiva And Shakti

Lalita Devi, Shiva Shakti Swarupini - The Form Of Shiva And Shakti

Sri Lalita Sahasranama is an ancient hymn of 1000 individual mantras describing various aspects of the Divine Mother. This article discusses her in the form of energy as Shiva and Shakti.
Can Self-Imposed Unhappiness Be Eliminated Through Meditation?

Can Self-Imposed Unhappiness Be Eliminated Through Meditation?

It's every man (or women) for themselves out there. Each day is a mad dash to fulfill certain tasks and expectations imposed upon us by our environment.