Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Super Deluxe Navigation System - How to Know When You Are on the Right Track

I am in the business of recreating lives.
Most of the people that I work with are in the process of creating something new for themselves.
They want something different, but often do not know what.
There is a lot of uncertainty around which direction to head in.
There is a lot of thinking and planing going on.
But in all of this thinking and planning, how do you know if you are on the right track? Try this idea on for size: Each of us comes equipped with our own super deluxe navigation system.
It's job is to let you know when you are on the right track.
When you feel good, inspired and in the flow, you are headed in the right direction.
When you feel bad, uncomfortable, uninspired or just plain yucky, you are veering off track.
It is simple enough.
The problem is, that most of you ignore your navigation system.
You have the music up too loud and cannot hear it.
It is time to turn the music down people! Pay attention to your navigation system.
If something in your life feels bad on a regular basis, you are headed in the wrong direction.
The discomfort is an indication that you are out of alignment with the things that will bring the most meaning and success to your life.
When something in your life feels good, pay attention to it, bask in the good feeling and continue on in that direction, even if it is not where you THINK you are SUPPOSED to be going.
Take a chance! Explore what feels good.

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