Health & Medical Self-Improvement

You Can Motivate Yourself To Success - History Of "Hierarchy Of Needs"

The Hierarchy of Needs theory was first published in 1954.
It is usually presented in a pyramid where the Motives higher up in the pyramid may seem less "fundamental" than the ones lower down, such as hunger & thirst.
However, they really are not.
In fact, all the needs are equally important, but they are ranked according to how biologically potent they are.
For example, the most basic needs found at the bottom would be Biological and Physiological needs such as air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep.
However, the theory of Hierarchy of Needs develops and is intertwined with the theory of Self-Actualization, which is founded on the notion that "even if all the basic needs are satisfied...
a new discontent and restlessness will soon develop, unless the individual is doing what he or she, individually, is fitted for.
" The most commonly quoted phrase by of this theory is, "Musicians must make music, artists must paint, poets must write if they are to be ultimately at peace with themselves.
What humans can be, they must be.
They must be true to their own nature.
This need we may call self-actualization.
" It is not that the self actualization needs have only now come into existence.
They have been there all the while, rooted deeply in the very core of human nature.
The Hierarchy of Needs theory is prevalent in human resource literature and workforce motivation theories today.
Who is this psychologist that invented the Hierarchy of Needs? The history of the words "Hierarchy of Needs" ..
to be continued.

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