Health & Medical Self-Improvement

What Do Dreams Mean?

I had a dream last night, what did it mean? I wonder this question throughout my day.
It was a rather odd dream that kept nagging at me to figure out it's meaning.
My dream was this: I am in my parent's house, however it is not the house I know in reality.
This house had a wooded area behind it, beautiful and green.
There is a small stick-like fence that could be no more than mere decoration.
As I look out the large paned windows, observing the landscape I see a tiger, an abnormally large tiger.
I was shocked and ran to find someone else to show this discovery to.
No one really worried much about it but me.
I went back to the windows and realized there was more and more gigantic tigers coming out of the woods.
I was terrified, however, a part of me wanted to see them up close, but I knew that they had to be dangerous.
My mom went out of the house and walked up close to the tiger, as one would do if they were trying to befriend a dog or a house cat.
Nothing happened, she went back into the house.
Suddenly there were kids trying to climb over the boards of the fence to where the tigers roamed.
I frantically tried to pull them back as the other adults that were present just looked on.
In addition to the tigers, bears started to appear in the wooded area, starting with a cub and then the mama bear.
I retreated to indoors as the animal company migrated closer and closer to the house.
I notice that these tigers and bears don't look like they are ready to attack or that they are harmful in any way, which I find odd.
Rolling around and wrestling with each other, these breath-taking yet terrifying animals continue their play as if nothing could bother them.
My house cats insist they go outside against my wishes were surely sealing their fate by wanting to consort with the much more wild and massive cats.
I tried to save my cats, but all that happened was one tiger started licking one of my cats; (a cat, which I recognize to be a cat, I had in my non-dream life as a child).
The dream ends there.
What does it all mean? I have had several stressful events in my life recently, and much change has taken place.
I remember right before I went to sleep I began meditative praying.
I asked for wisdom.
Is that what this dream is about? Here is my interpretation of this nighttime psychology lesson: What seemed so scary to me, didn't seem to affect everyone else the same.
I saw the tigers and was instantly terrified before I even knew if they meant any harm.
I tried to stop others from what I thought was harm, but to no avail.
They were beautiful but I wouldn't chance getting close.
They seemed big and overwhelming.
The house cat that I recognized from childhood was trying to tell me that they were harmless, not vicious.
These animals surrounded me.
What is it that this literally meant to me? The dreams and things I wanted in my life right now require a great leap of faith; the leap seems scary but isn't meant to harm me.
If I step out in faith, I can face the unknown, and find the beauty.
Life can be risky; we have to weigh the risks.
But if we let fear overshadow our deepest desires, we will miss the beauty and only see the potential for destruction.
Change can be difficult, but I for one, now want to see every stripe on those tigers for myself.

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