Staying In Integrity
Would you say integrity is important? Where in your life is it a key to a better experience? How does this affect your interactions with your family, at work, with friends, or organizations you belong to? What message are you sending out when you don't stay in integrity?
Drug Rehab - Life Saver For the Addicted
Drug addiction is a bane for the youth of the modern American society, but with advanced drug rehab facilities and medical assistance available, it is curable. Drug rehab programs available in most institutions also handle alcohol treatment.
Professional Cv How To
So you've found the excellent position that you would like to go for. Now you should know curriculum vitae how to so that you just can be able to write your specialist Cv. Most persons are conscious from the regular professional Resume structure: employment history, qualifications, contact part
The Gift From the Sea of Galilee
This Prayer Offering, "The Gift" came forth literally sitting overlooking the glistening light upon the waters of The Sea of Galilee in Israel during an International Conference for Peace at which I gave a presentation...: "You are among many now, who see. Peace comes as you gather to
Politeness Buys You Far More Than It Costs
Do you get frustrated when people are rude for no real reason? I for one would definitely prefer to be surrounded by happy and smiling faced than grumpy and aggressive people displaying "attitude".
Millionaire Mindset - Your Success Lies Within
Your millionaire mindset is what will create your massive wealth. Your financial freedom and wealth is already present though your thoughts as well as actions could determine if or when your desires will grow into existence or not.
A Self-Help Guide to Curbing Absenteeism
Habitual absenteeism is dangerous. It is a possible sign of an underlying issue such as anxiety disorder or depression. It makes you a strong contender for layoff or termination, stops you from building a good relationship with your colleagues, and prevents having a positive impression.
How to Win Back Your Girlfriend Using a Step by Step Guide
Relationships are trying at the best of times we all know this, we get lazy and start assuming the other person will always be there. From there it get slippery and at the end something ...
5 Great Self Improvement Tricks For You
Self-improvement is something that all people want. With the ever changing times in this world, it is necessary for us to improve our skills and abilities as human beings to cope with the all the challenges that life will bring.
Inner Journey - The Bubbling Spring
Sliding down the familiar root system from the bright light of midday in the middle world, into the dusky dimness of a foggy morning in the Otherworld, was at first a relief, then suddenly painful as a flood of light crashed directly into my eyes. For a moment it blinded me like headlights suddenly
Confidence Comes From Overcoming Fears
Everyone has certain strengths and certain weaknesses. Invariably, strengths arise from self confidence, and a willingness to reach beyond one's comfort zones, while weaknesses come from succumbing to one's fears, and permitting those fears to rule one's life.
Are You Fighting Or Taking Flight
Words are containers of faith or fear. They are very powerful, so much so it will steer your life in what ever direction you speak. Wordscan build up or tear down andcan cause us to stay and fight or take flight. These words can either come out of your mouth or someone else's, it does not reall
Dealing and Coping With the Loss of a Child
When a parent passes away, a link to the past is lost; when a spouse passes away, a link to the present is gone- but when a child passes away, a link to the future is departed.
What Exactly is Empty Nest Syndrome?
Empty Nest Syndrome is a feeling of great loss or sadness when a child leaves home to go to college or just to get out on their own.Believe it or not, this can truly be a significant and positive transition and period of growth for you!Here are 5 secrets to ensure a healthy new life for you, without
So What is Self Procrastination and How Do You Overcome It? Let Me Show You Exactly How
Self procrastination is one of the biggest things that we as individuals will ever have to overcome when setting our self for higher goals and ambitions in life. It is your very own self beliefs that you have stored inside of your own mind that will determine whether or not you will fail or succeed
What Does The Bible Teach About A Place Called Hell?
Death, in some people's opinion, means a cessation of life. In other words, when you are dead, you are done. This is not true according to the teachings of the Bible. Nor is the teaching of reincarnation. When a person dies, they do not come back here as a dog, cow or something else, or somebod
How Energy Efficient Are You?
We exert mental energy thinking, problem solving, brainstorming, worrying and more. We renew our spiritual energy through prayer, meditation or quiet time, or reading. It makes sense that we want to be as energy efficient as possible in order to function at our peak and feel our best.
Your Coach - Your Door to a Change
When coaching a client, sooner or later in the process there always comes a moment, I call it a "moment of truth". It is the moment when the "big C", alas the time for Change is required, quite often a rather radical sort of change. At that moment the excuses start flying in and
Where Can We Buy the Better LED Tube Light and LED Flood Light
China is famous for the manufacturing industry, LED lighting as an energy-saving and environmentally friendly products, China is also striving to produce, especially in the Pearl River Delta in southern China, the fierce competition makes ...
Living Inside-Out - A Shift in Perception
Emerging mind/body therapies over the last few decades, such as Energy Psychology and PSYCH-K are a few powerful techniques to facilitate quantum healing and change at the energetic and subconscious levels. Are you going through life with what seems like one foot on the brake? Wishing you could feel