Using The Law of Attraction - How To Get Exactly What You Want In Life
The Law of Attraction is everywhere these days.
Many successful individuals credit The Law Of Attraction with completely changing their life.
If you've tried the intentions, the goal settings, the meditations and you haven't seen the results, then you've come to the right place.
There is one step that most people forget to take when using The Law of Attraction.
This one step is crucial in having your dreams become a reality.
I've seen it work for thousands of people.
When most individuals first start out with The Law of Attraction they follow three simple steps.
The first being "Ask".
You must ask the Universe for what you want.
Be specific.
Write down exactly what you want in life.
The second step is taken care of for you.
The Universe starts answering your requests.
The third step is "Receive".
You must feel what it would it be like to have everything that you want.
Feel the changes that would take place in your life as a result of these dreams coming true.
Have you completed these three steps?Great.
There's just one thing that most people overlook.
You need to take action!How will you know what to take action on? You have to start recognizing the opportunities that enter in your life.
Here's an example.
Let's say you've always wanted to start a business.
So you write it down.
You start feeling what it would be like to have your own business.
And it feels wonderful.
You picture all the ways your life would improve.
You're open to receiving.
And you wait.
And wait.
And nothing happens.
You dismiss The Law of Attraction and continue on with your life and never have the chance to actually live out all of your dreams.
You don't want this to happen.
Did nothing actually happen?No.
Lot's of opportunities entered your life in that time period.
If you're actually looking to start a business then this is one of those opportunities.
You're reading about it, aren't you?You hear stories all the time about people who go from rags to riches.
They have no experience in the field they're entering and yet they somehow still succeed.
So how did they become so successful?They took action.
When an opportunity presented itself they decided to make it work for them.
This is the key difference between the dreamers and the doers.
It's great to dream but action is required if you actually want to experience these dreams.
You don't have to do much for these opportunities to present themselves in your life.
A little while ago I was in your shoes.
I was looking for a better life and I knew it was possible.
So I started doing some research about starting a business online.
I came across a lot of websites that made claims of earning thousands a day.
I never believed that was possible for me.
So I continued on with my life but I didn't stop feeling how wonderful it would be to work for myself.
No need to report to a boss.
No need for a commute to work.
I loved the feeling.
Then one day my friend told me how he was making a lot of money online.
I asked him if he would teach me how to start something up myself.
I took action.
I immersed myself in my new business and knew that I had to work hard if I wanted it to succeed.
This is the same for any business.
You have to put in the work if you want to see the results.
I don't know what kind of business you want to start up.
You may want to open up a production company, a restaurant, a law firm.
It doesn't matter.
If you are serious about making more money and you write down your goals, you feel what it would be like to run your own business and you're open to receiving opportunities, then guess what?Opportunities will present themselves and you need to take action.
You could have the first three steps down perfectly but if you don't take action you can forget about it.
Keep an open mind and be on the look out for new opportunities.
Many successful individuals credit The Law Of Attraction with completely changing their life.
If you've tried the intentions, the goal settings, the meditations and you haven't seen the results, then you've come to the right place.
There is one step that most people forget to take when using The Law of Attraction.
This one step is crucial in having your dreams become a reality.
I've seen it work for thousands of people.
When most individuals first start out with The Law of Attraction they follow three simple steps.
The first being "Ask".
You must ask the Universe for what you want.
Be specific.
Write down exactly what you want in life.
The second step is taken care of for you.
The Universe starts answering your requests.
The third step is "Receive".
You must feel what it would it be like to have everything that you want.
Feel the changes that would take place in your life as a result of these dreams coming true.
Have you completed these three steps?Great.
There's just one thing that most people overlook.
You need to take action!How will you know what to take action on? You have to start recognizing the opportunities that enter in your life.
Here's an example.
Let's say you've always wanted to start a business.
So you write it down.
You start feeling what it would be like to have your own business.
And it feels wonderful.
You picture all the ways your life would improve.
You're open to receiving.
And you wait.
And wait.
And nothing happens.
You dismiss The Law of Attraction and continue on with your life and never have the chance to actually live out all of your dreams.
You don't want this to happen.
Did nothing actually happen?No.
Lot's of opportunities entered your life in that time period.
If you're actually looking to start a business then this is one of those opportunities.
You're reading about it, aren't you?You hear stories all the time about people who go from rags to riches.
They have no experience in the field they're entering and yet they somehow still succeed.
So how did they become so successful?They took action.
When an opportunity presented itself they decided to make it work for them.
This is the key difference between the dreamers and the doers.
It's great to dream but action is required if you actually want to experience these dreams.
You don't have to do much for these opportunities to present themselves in your life.
A little while ago I was in your shoes.
I was looking for a better life and I knew it was possible.
So I started doing some research about starting a business online.
I came across a lot of websites that made claims of earning thousands a day.
I never believed that was possible for me.
So I continued on with my life but I didn't stop feeling how wonderful it would be to work for myself.
No need to report to a boss.
No need for a commute to work.
I loved the feeling.
Then one day my friend told me how he was making a lot of money online.
I asked him if he would teach me how to start something up myself.
I took action.
I immersed myself in my new business and knew that I had to work hard if I wanted it to succeed.
This is the same for any business.
You have to put in the work if you want to see the results.
I don't know what kind of business you want to start up.
You may want to open up a production company, a restaurant, a law firm.
It doesn't matter.
If you are serious about making more money and you write down your goals, you feel what it would be like to run your own business and you're open to receiving opportunities, then guess what?Opportunities will present themselves and you need to take action.
You could have the first three steps down perfectly but if you don't take action you can forget about it.
Keep an open mind and be on the look out for new opportunities.