Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Success - Right Place, Right Time

People who enjoy spectacular success often explain their secret of success by saying, "I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.
Here's how you can copy them.
In my previous career I was involved in real estate.
This brought me into contact with rich and poor alike, in a wide range of circumstances and in different types of housing.
This proved to be a valuable masterclass in success creation.
In the areas with low income housing -- both owner-occupier and rental -- I was viewed with great suspicion, as I strolled around, looking for suitable real estate.
Quite possibly I was thought to be a repro man, as I was rarely even looked in the eyeby the locals, let alone smiled at, or spoken to.
Contrast that with my experiences in a different area, just a few miles away, which mainly consisted of high-end real estate: stunning mansions set in beautifully manicured grounds, tended by an army of gardeners.
Bearing in mind my earlier experience, I expected to be viewed with even deeper suspicion, in case I was planning a spot of larceny to relieve the owners of these magnificent mansions of their valuables.
But no! When I chanced to pass a resident of this area, they invariably looked at me and smiled.
Quite often they greeted me in a friendly manner.
This creates quite an interesting "chicken and egg" conundrum: are the residents of these magnificent houses more cheerful than their poorer counterparts, because they have "made it" -- or is there something more fundamental at work here? Having researched this in greater depth for my recent book, I am firmly convinced people who are more open, more receptive to new ideas and probably more sociable, place themselves in a far better position to be presented with more opportunities for success.
Of course, it's then down to the individual to take advantage of these opportunities, but it means they are "in the right place at the right time".
So, if you want more success, resolve to be more friendly to strangers, more open to new ideas and more sociable.
There's a great river of opportunity passing by your door and the more open you are, the wider the river becomes.
So make it as wide as the Mississippi and then dip your net in and pull out success!

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