Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Effects Of Stress And Its Regulation

The increasing trend of stress related illness is a great cause of anxiety for physicians according to the American Institute of Stress. From their own survey they have concluded that around seventy five to ninety percent of people visiting the doctor's chamber are suffering from stress related problems. The Institute of HeartMath in the US provides the patients suffering with stress related problems, certain stress reduction tools that help to keep them stress free. There are also many stress reduction methods that help one to be stress free and to cope up with the demands of their profession as well.

  • Work out and fitness programs

  • Time-management techniques

  • Diet-education course

Stress can lead to bodily malfunctions like headaches, grouchy bowel disorder, food intake disorder, hypersensitivity, insomnia, back pain, recurrent cold and exhaustion to diseases like asthma, hypertension, diabetes, heart weakness and even many a times cancer. Stress happens across ages affecting men, women, children and even foetuses. Depending on the nature of each individual, stress reflects in their persona and health either very early in life or later. Research has suggested that stress can in point of fact amplify our exertion.

Many a times not knowing the exact cause can heighten the intensity of the stress level in our system. Following are the common sources of stress:

1.Certain personal issues related to family, occupation, school, club, organization.

2.Interpersonal concerns like relationships, rejection, and unceasing conflict.

3.Individual behavioral problems like low self-esteem, fear of collapse, melancholy.

4.Certain deep set issues like, unknown fear, issues of faith, need for approval.

5.Serious crisis like, death of a partner, divorce or even bankruptcy.

To diminish the impact of stress on human body, the Institute of HeartMath provides with their patients some stress management tools and techniques.

  • Quick Coherence Technique

  • This is a powerful practice which helps one to refocus the sentiment, relating with the vigorous heart zone, resulting in stress release. The three easy steps of this technique are,

    1.Heart Focus

    2.Heart Breathing

    3.Heart Feeling

  • emWave Personal Stress Reliever

  • This is a scientifically valid technology that is designed to balance one's sentiment, mind, and body by generating heart coherence. This stress management tool monitors the heart beat patterns and designates the coherence level in real time with its bright LED display and aural response.

  • Freeze-Frame Technique

  • This technique will help one to slow down the psychological and sentimental responses.

    Stress is less of adrenalin high as it is generally considered and more of an health eroding factor, negating growth and peace of mind. It depends on how we deal with it. With the right techniques however, it is a problem that can be easily overcome.

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