When to Take a Theanine Dosage
Theanine, referred to scientifically as L-theanine, is an amino acid that induces alpha wave activity in the brain. Theanine is used to treat stress, mood, immune function, ability to focus and insomnia, among other conditions. Theanine is naturally abundant in black, green and oolong tea leaves. Yo
Hyperactivity and ADHD - Searching For Answers
For many parents hyperactivity is the single most problematic symptoms associated with the condition known as ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In the world of ADHD hyperactivity and restlessness is essentially the same thing and it is important for parents, teachers, and counselors
The Power Of ThetaHealing - Using Your Mind to Heal Your Body
Our mind is incredibly powerful, it has the power to create the world around us. Sometimes our mind can create a world of great beauty but oftentimes, like in my case created a life of pain and turmoil. In 2005, after 14 years in the Army I was discharged with Major Depression and told that I would
Why Do I Worry All the Time? Regulation of Anxiety Caused by Stress
The definition of stress is a mentally or emotionally disruptive or upsetting condition occurring in response to adverse external influence. It is capable of affecting physical health, usually characterized by increased heart rate, a rise in blood pressure, muscular tension, irritability, or circums
What to Expect in a Mental Health Residential Treatment Center
Because there is this variety of mental health problems it follows that there needs to be a variety of ways of treating these conditions. Community health centers are usually equipped with different h
Display Screen Equipment Training Protects Eyes
The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 stipulates that employees must have €adequate health and safety training in the use of any workstation upon which he may be required to work€. It is ...
Bipolar Manic Depressive Disorder - Description of the Ailment
If you have been told once, you have been told a million times: bipolar disorder is one serious medical condition that you don't want to trifle with. Do not get the wrong impression; it can be treated, and rather well too. But the hard part is adequately diagnosing it.
Alzheimer’s or Just Getting Old?
As we get older the fear of not having a good memory grows for many people. A lot of people worry that momentary lapses or drawing a blank when trying to recall information can be ...
Effective Tips On Depression Teens
A typical teenager would feel the pressures brought about by changes in his or her body during puberty, peer pressure, and questions about love, identity, and where they belong. Also, this is usually
Can You Handle the Truth?
In my new novel, Aberrations, the characters uncover truths about themselves that are quite difficult to handle. The main character, Angel, must deal with issues that cut to the core of her identity.
How to Immediately Lower Stress and Tension
How to Immediately Lower Stress and Tension What if there was a fast, simple way to instantly reduce your stress and tension, without drugs or side effects? What if you could also use it to ...
Depression vs. Bipolar
It's completely normal to feel a little down or blue every once in a while. You may be sad over the loss of a loved one or of something important to you. Sadness is a part of the grieving process. But when sadness lasts and starts to interfere with your life, you are dealing with depression. Depress
Medications For Panic Attacks
If you or someone you know is suffering from panic disorder, and you are not being treated with panic attack medications to address your symptoms, you - or your friend or loved one - are suffering from some or all of these debilitating issues: sudden and repeated attacks of fear. A feeling of being
Snoring Treatments
Snoring occurs when air can't flow freely through your mouth and nose when you sleep. Approximately 25 percent of normal adults in the United States are habitual snorers, according to the American Academy of Otolaryngology (AAO). Successful treatment involves correcting the underlying problems that
Domestic Violence-Topic Overview
What is domestic violence? Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior directed at a former or current partner, spouse, or boyfriend or girlfriend. The abuser uses fear and intimidation to gain power and control over the other person. The abuse can take many forms, including physical ...
The Advantages of Quitting Smoking
Quitting smoking has many benefits. Smoking is an addicting habit that causes health problems and has become socially unacceptable. Smoking is not only bad for the smoker but also for those around her.
Body, Mind and Spirit - The Cleansing Power of a Sweat Lodge
Every Culture has rituals for cleaning the body and spirit.The Native American Sweat Lodge is wide spread.
My Struggle with Post-Partum Depression
This is a brief account of my 1st battle with post-partum depression and the signs and symptoms people should look for.
Characteristics of Adult ADD
Adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, formerly referred to as attention-deficit disorder, or ADD, is a psychological disorder that begins in childhood but was not diagnosed until later in life. Left untreated, ADHD affects an individual's ability to work productively and maintain
Why Does the Leaning Tower of Pisa Lean Over?
The leaning tower of Pisa is part of the Cathedral Square in Pisa, Tuscany, Italy, which is a UNESCO world heritage site. Originally it was built as a bell tower (campanile) for the cathedral. The tower has leaned almost since construction started, due to faulty foundation and weak subsoil. It is no