How to Immediately Lower Stress and Tension
How to Immediately Lower Stress and Tension
What if there was a fast, simple way to instantly reduce your stress and tension, without drugs or side effects? What if you could also use it to lower blood pressure, fight symptoms of insomnia, depression and anxiety? I have successfully helped hundreds of clients to learn how to address these and many other life issues using the power of Novanetics™.
Novanetics™ is the totally new way to approach positive change. The sense of smell bypasses the critical thalamus in the brain, enabling you to more readily access your powerful unconscious mind. In so doing, you are able to let go of stress, tension, anxiety, worry, feelings of depression and much, much more. Your sense of smell is an enormously powerful source of personal empowerment when properly coupled with certain behaviors and activities. As an added bonus, the mind tends to become more welcoming of self-help methods, enabling one to finally make full use of one's library of self-help books, audio programs and seminar notes.
Let's Get Started
Find a safe, pleasing scent or aroma. Next, think about a stressful situation in your life. Rate how negatively you feel about the situation using a potency scale: zero = "no negative feelings" all the way up to ten = "extreme negativity". Write your rating down for later reference, as that number will likely go down. Think about your stressful situation, and feel those negative emotions start to rise. Take seven slow, deep, cleansing breaths (and breathe in some of the aroma with each breath).
Good. Now think about something that makes you happier. Something that you love. Take nine similar slow, deep, cleansing breaths (breathing in aroma each time), BUT...each time as you exhale say these words:
"It's not this time...for me to feel better and better....but I JUST Might...I Just Might."
Clear your mind. Relax and restore your focus to present surroundings and awareness. Now, very quickly, think about that situation and use the number scale to once more rate how you feel about it.
Remember, ten = "extreme negativity", all the way down to zero = "no negative feelings".
Compare your first potency rating to your second one. Chances are, you not only feel better, but your number went down. Novanetics™ produces results you not only feel, but you can measure in real time. As your potency ratings continue to go down, you may notice that life takes on a lighter, more joyful tone. Stress, tension, worry; these need not hold you back. Repeat this simple technique as needed, and you'll be feeling better, fast.
What if there was a fast, simple way to instantly reduce your stress and tension, without drugs or side effects? What if you could also use it to lower blood pressure, fight symptoms of insomnia, depression and anxiety? I have successfully helped hundreds of clients to learn how to address these and many other life issues using the power of Novanetics™.
Novanetics™ is the totally new way to approach positive change. The sense of smell bypasses the critical thalamus in the brain, enabling you to more readily access your powerful unconscious mind. In so doing, you are able to let go of stress, tension, anxiety, worry, feelings of depression and much, much more. Your sense of smell is an enormously powerful source of personal empowerment when properly coupled with certain behaviors and activities. As an added bonus, the mind tends to become more welcoming of self-help methods, enabling one to finally make full use of one's library of self-help books, audio programs and seminar notes.
Let's Get Started
Find a safe, pleasing scent or aroma. Next, think about a stressful situation in your life. Rate how negatively you feel about the situation using a potency scale: zero = "no negative feelings" all the way up to ten = "extreme negativity". Write your rating down for later reference, as that number will likely go down. Think about your stressful situation, and feel those negative emotions start to rise. Take seven slow, deep, cleansing breaths (and breathe in some of the aroma with each breath).
Good. Now think about something that makes you happier. Something that you love. Take nine similar slow, deep, cleansing breaths (breathing in aroma each time), BUT...each time as you exhale say these words:
"It's not this time...for me to feel better and better....but I JUST Might...I Just Might."
Clear your mind. Relax and restore your focus to present surroundings and awareness. Now, very quickly, think about that situation and use the number scale to once more rate how you feel about it.
Remember, ten = "extreme negativity", all the way down to zero = "no negative feelings".
Compare your first potency rating to your second one. Chances are, you not only feel better, but your number went down. Novanetics™ produces results you not only feel, but you can measure in real time. As your potency ratings continue to go down, you may notice that life takes on a lighter, more joyful tone. Stress, tension, worry; these need not hold you back. Repeat this simple technique as needed, and you'll be feeling better, fast.