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How to Teach Students to Figure the Gratuity at a Restaurant

How to Teach Students to Figure the Gratuity at a Restaurant

Schoolchildren begin to learn basic percentages around third or fourth grade. One practical application for using percentages in day-to-day situations is tipping in restaurants. Parents model this behavior when they take their families out to eat. A child as young as 9 or 10 can learn how to figure
Branded vs Generic Psychotropic Medications

Branded vs Generic Psychotropic Medications

Drs. Cristoph Correll and Maren Carbon look at the safety, efficacy, and patient outcomes associated with branded compared with generic psychotropic medications.
Personal Development: Dealing With Emotional Distress

Personal Development: Dealing With Emotional Distress

I've been a counselor for several years now and met with a fair amount of success in helping people with issues in their therapy. It's definitely become more clear to me that some people have issues in their diagnosis, not because there are problems with the people making the diagnosis, bu
Self-Esteem Activities for Women

Self-Esteem Activities for Women

Exercise regularly by doing something active that you enjoy.swim finals image by Chad McDermott from Fotolia.comAccording to Karen de Bord, Human Development Specialist for the University of Missouri, women's self-esteem is based mainly on how they feel about themselves in three areas:...
Why Veterans Make Great Employees

Why Veterans Make Great Employees

Even though returning combat veterans earn a bad reputation in the media, many veterans can be fantastic assets to employers who are looking for disciplined and hardworking individuals. True, while the U.S. Department of Veterans' ...
What are the Symptoms and Causes of a Panic Attack?

What are the Symptoms and Causes of a Panic Attack?

Discover the underlying causes and symptoms of panic attacks. The genetic origins of panic attacks are explored, as well as other major potential triggers to panic attacks.
Treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, unless a permanent nightmare for life

Treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, unless a permanent nightmare for life

Most often affects women and usually occurs between 30 and 60 years of age. It causes extreme tiredness, weakness, joint pain, muscle and headaches, fever, lack of concentration and depression...
Simple Steps to a Healthier Life

Simple Steps to a Healthier Life

Millions of Americans are leading unhealthy lifestyles that can easily be transformed with a few simple lifestyle changes. If you are trying to lead a healthier life, have no fear! It is easy to get started, and as you see and feel the changes in your body and psyche, you will only be encouraged to
Panic Attacks and Cardiovascular Disease: Is There a Link?

Panic Attacks and Cardiovascular Disease: Is There a Link?

Panic attack is a condition where a person experiences sudden feelings of dread and fear without any warning. The event usually takes no more than 10 minutes, but for a person experiencing a panic attack, ...
How to Stop Smoking With Advantage Laser

How to Stop Smoking With Advantage Laser

Lasers can be used for a variety of purposes--from teeth whitening to hair removal. A new program promises to use lasers to help smokers quit smoking. Laser therapy works much like a modern form of acupuncture and causes the body to release endorphins that may help people quit their cigarette addict
Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Breakthrough in Brain Research Helps You Heal IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Breakthrough in Brain Research Helps You Heal IBS

New evidence from brain science reveals that IBS is not caused by something in your gut, but by something that's going on in your brain. This doesn't mean IBS is a psychological condition. Far from it! Your symptoms are not triggered by your psychology but by your neurology. Deep inside yo
Recognising and overcoming depression

Recognising and overcoming depression

Depression is the fastest growing illness in the U.K. Approximately 1 person in every 5 will become depressed at some point in their lives and one in 20 will be clinically depressed. We should never t
Top Tips For Stress Management In The Workplace - Things You Can Do Now To Help Workplace Stress

Top Tips For Stress Management In The Workplace - Things You Can Do Now To Help Workplace Stress

Just about all of us will suffer from stress throughout our lives.So why is workplace stress on the increase the world over?Life seems to have become much more stressful these days, with parents juggling a home life, career and children.Workplace stress can be horrible, especially when it flows over
What You Should Know About Panic Attacks

What You Should Know About Panic Attacks

Panic attacks and anxiety attacks is a condition in which your body reacts as if threatened by impending danger even when there is no threat present: rapid beating of the heart (palpitations), severe chilling and/or ...
About Banning Smoking

About Banning Smoking

Scientific evidence has proven that smoking is harmful to one's health. For this reason, smoking bans are becoming more popular across the United States. However, smoking bans are not without controversy. Knowing some basic facts about these bans can help a person decide whether they wish to support
Depressive Binge-Eating Disorder

Depressive Binge-Eating Disorder

The federal Weight-Control Information Network claims that binge eating is the most common eating disorder in the United States, with more than half of the people who struggle with it also suffering from depression.
How to Discuss Anxiety With Your Doctor

How to Discuss Anxiety With Your Doctor

Anxiety may be temporary or chronic, subtle or severe. No matter what kind of anxiety you suffer from or the cause, changes in diet and exercise, along with prescription medications, may help. Anxiety is nothing to be embarrassed about; however, some people find it much harder to discuss anxiety or
How to Get Rid of OCD - Today is the Best Day to Start!

How to Get Rid of OCD - Today is the Best Day to Start!

If you want to know how to get rid of OCD for good, you should know that there will be some work involved. You cannot just take some magic pill that will make everything all better! Sometimes people spend thousands of dollars on therapy and still have OCD.