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Don't Let SAD Make You Sad

Don't Let SAD Make You Sad

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) hits millions of people around the world every year, particularly during winter months.The effects of SAD on a person can range from mild to severe depression and impact quality of life.Learn more about some natural, at-home therapies for SAD that can help you beat
Negative Effects of Writing

Negative Effects of Writing

Writers are normally compelled to write because of a love of writing. This is how it should be, but there will be times when writing loses its appeal. This may be down to a writer losing interest after a lack of success, or because of a critical remark being taken badly.
Lesson Plan for Behavior Modification

Lesson Plan for Behavior Modification

Behavior modification has grown out of the theories of operant conditioning, and uses reinforcement and punishment to help shape behavior. It is useful for both extinguishing negative behaviors and fostering positive ones. This psychological theory can be applied to the classroom, and a specialized
Dementia Alzheimer, All The Basics To Learn About Persons With Alzheimer's Disease

Dementia Alzheimer, All The Basics To Learn About Persons With Alzheimer's Disease

Dementia Alzheimer, All The Basics To Learn About Persons With Alzheimer's Disease. And dear friend one of the saddest thing in the world is to see your beloved parents or anyone for that mat
Dementia - Signs and Treatment

Dementia - Signs and Treatment

Dementia is a condition in which there is impairment of thinking due to a group of symptoms affecting the brain. It includes the common symptom of memory loss. Memory loss by itself, however, is not an absolute sign of dementia.
Alcohol Addiction Symptoms

Alcohol Addiction Symptoms

Alcohol addiction symptoms are both physical and mental and often vary a great deal from one person to the next. It's possible for a person to have a problem with alcohol and not have an alcohol addiction. Alcohol addiction means you are physically dependent on alcohol to function. Alcohol abuse mea
Signs of a Perfectionist

Signs of a Perfectionist

Striving for perfection can push you to great heights in everything from the arts to athletics to business, but perfectionism also has a dark side. Being a perfectionist can ruin relationships, paralyze you with fear and even lead to life-threatening disorders. There are several key signs that indic
Balding, Fat And Old Is Sexy, Isn't It?

Balding, Fat And Old Is Sexy, Isn't It?

Isn't it amazing how in today's society we associate sexiness with what, for me, is an unnatural state. I am balding, overweight and old but truly am still very sexy. But, if you ask anyone they will tell you that young, slim and/or muscular with a full head of hair is necessary to qualify
Techniques to Increase Breasts Size Besides Surgery

Techniques to Increase Breasts Size Besides Surgery

If you are considering other techniques to increase breasts size besides surgery, you're probably thinking about alternate methods to enlarge as well as enhance your own breasts. Many ladies feel inadequate for their small breasts ...
ADHD and the Defiant Child

ADHD and the Defiant Child

Is your defiant child like that because that is just part of growing up? Or, is this a sign that there could be a behavior disorder like ADHD developing and if so, what can you do about it? How can you define what is a normally defiant child?
Adult Brain Games Found to Improve Memory Power in Aged People

Adult Brain Games Found to Improve Memory Power in Aged People

What fears you the most as you are growing old? Memory loss for sure might have started to give you sleepless nights. Diseases such as Dementia and Alzheimer's might linger on your mind. Yes, you need to give these problems a serious thought as you are aging but do not panic until you are suffe
Couples Therapy for Depression

Couples Therapy for Depression

Depression is a clinical condition that makes people feel such despair, sadness or irritability that it affects their ability to participate in normal activities or relationships, including relationships with their romantic partner. Struggling to address depression within one
Brain Scan can Diagnose Alzheimer's Disease

Brain Scan can Diagnose Alzheimer's Disease

Right now, doctors can only diagnose Alzheimer's disease definitively through an autopsy -- but research suggests that PET scans could soon be widely used to diagnose and guide treatment for those with Alzheimer's and the dementia disorders that mimic it.
How to Make an Alcohol Compress Using a Freezer

How to Make an Alcohol Compress Using a Freezer

The cold compress or ice pack is any self-respecting mom's or athlete's go-to remedy for sprained ankles, head bumps and a variety of everyday injuries. While it's certainly possible to buy a compress at your local pharmacy or discount chain, it's easier and cheaper to make one for yourself at home
How to Spot Signs of an Abused Child

How to Spot Signs of an Abused Child

It is important to know when a child is being abused. Knowing can mean the difference between a child's life or death. Child abuse is more common than you might think. It occurs in all social classes and all ethnicities. It can be emotional, neglectful or physical abuse; it might even be a combinati
N-Acetyl Cysteine for Treatment of Bipolar Disorder, Alzheimer's, and Schizophrenia

N-Acetyl Cysteine for Treatment of Bipolar Disorder, Alzheimer's, and Schizophrenia

By its antioxidant properties, N-Acetyl Cysteine may be beneficial for the treatment of symptoms of Bipolar Disorder, Alzheimer's disease, and Schizophrenia.
How to Stop Panic Attacks - The Truth

How to Stop Panic Attacks - The Truth

You've been having anxiety all day. You are waiting for your husband to come home and he's late. It's only five minutes past the time he usually returns, but you're starting to worry. Your anxiety builds. "Maybe he got in a horrible accident," you think.
Learn How to Overcome Panic Attacks

Learn How to Overcome Panic Attacks

You need to know different techniques that you can use when an attack hits you. Just a few simple ideas that you can easily perform to get you through a panic attack. This will result in you having the confidence to get through an attack.
The Smart Parent's Guide to the Best Meds For ADHD

The Smart Parent's Guide to the Best Meds For ADHD

If you're looking for meds for ADHD, then your child has either recently been diagnosed or is currently taking a medication that is not working or has too many worrisome side effects. In this article, ...
Explore Natural Way to Treat Panic Attacks

Explore Natural Way to Treat Panic Attacks

Immense mental imbalance combined with a feeling of anxiety and fear causes what is called a panic attack. Large commercial fly by night drug companies promote their own products on the web and promise miraculous instant solutions which never happen. A combination of appropriate drugs and holistic t