Health & Medical Mental Health

Hyperactivity and ADHD - Searching For Answers

For many parents hyperactivity is the single most problematic symptoms associated with the condition known as ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
In the world of ADHD hyperactivity and restlessness is essentially the same thing and it is important for parents, teachers, and counselors alike to realize that these somewhat annoying hyperactive/restless behaviors are not voluntary.
They aren't a result of defiance or poor behavior.
The cause of ADHD hyperactivity seems to be an imbalance in neurotransmitter activity in the brain, specifically norepinephrine and dopamine.
Correct the imbalance and eliminate the symptom.
While children are the poster child for hyperactivity and ADHD somewhere around 3% of adults have it as well but in adults it have morphed into a more subtle and some would argue a more socially acceptable form.
For years doctors simply assumed that adults would simply outgrow hyperactivity/restlessness but this have proven to be a false assumption.
Adults don't outgrow their hyperactivity; they grow into their restlessness.
And over the years they have learned to disguise these fairly obvious symptoms realizing that running around their cubicle shooting paper clips at their coworkers while reciting I'm proud to be an ADHD hyperactive person will not get them the raise they are looking for.
Let's briefly look at five ways hyperactivity/restlessness can present itself.
*Non stop 24/7: This is obvious and most often perceived way in which ADHD and hyperactivity is perceived.
The classic description is people with this symptom seem to be "driven by a motor".
Sometimes the ADHD personality is conflicted wanting to stop moving but just can't seem to do so.
*Ants in their pants: Well not literally.
This is simply a colorful way to describe the inability to sit still for any length of time.
This symptom is most common in children up until the age of 6 or 7.
As children grow older they develop the ability to sit but squirming is their constant bedfellow.
In adults the inability to sit for any length of time normally is recognized as fidgeting.
*She's a talker: In young girls and women hyperactivity and restlessness is translating into non stop talking.
Constant talking is another way to release energy built up from ADHD.
Often the talking quickly moves from subject to subject in an odd random sequence.
*Fidgeting constantly: When hyperactivity and the need to constantly be in motion are internalized fidgeting is the outcome.
Fidgeting can take on a number of different forms including random movement and repetitive tapping.
*Feeling edgy: This is sometimes noticed in adults with ADHD who tend to change jobs frequently.
While this symptom is often seen in adults children can fall victim as well.
For those with the combined type of ADHD (inattention and hyperactivity) these feelings of restlessness often make the restlessness worse because the restlessness commands their attention.
In summary the story of hyperactivity and ADHD is one with many different faces that range to subtle to obvious.
The important thing to realize is those with attention deficit hyperactive disorder simply can't control their action on their own, they need help.
Many parents and adults alike have been finding this help in the form of natural remedies.
Natural remedies for ADHD such as homeopathy are a safe alternative to side effect riddled prescription stimulants and are certainly an option worth considering.

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