How Is an Adenoidectomy Performed?
How to Perform an AdenoidectomyAdenoids are located in the back of the throat near the tonsils. Their function is to prevent germs and bacteria from causing infections in the ears, nose, and throat. An adenoidectomy is necessary when the adenoids swell up due to infection and prohibit...
Top 7 Deaf Psychology Books
Top books about the psychology of deafness, from your Guide.
CO Q 10 & Thyroid Problems
Your body naturally produces a vitamin-like substance called, Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), each cell making a different amount, depending on its needs. As you get older, CoQ10 amounts decrease, depleting organs such as your heart and lowering your thyroid hormone levels.According to cardiologis
Hashimoto's Thyroid Disease
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, an autoimmune condition in which the body's antibodies attack the thyroid, a butterfly shaped gland located in the neck, leads to underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism. According to the Mayo Clinic, Hashimoto's is the number one cause of hypothyroidism in the U.S.
Sign Language Word Reference Guide - S19
sign glossary
Can Thyroid Levels Change After Thyroidectomy?
The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped hormone-producing gland located in the anterior base of the neck, slightly below the voice box. Although it is an essential gland for normal metabolism, certain medical conditions require a thyroidectomy.
Do You Always Need a Specialist for a Thyroid Condition?
A look at why every thyroid patient does not necessarily need an endocrinologist, thyroidologist, or thyroid specialist as a doctor.
SVP 1982
National Technical Institute for the Deaf Summer Vestibule Program (SVP) signs from 1969 to 2002.
Sign Language Word Reference Guide - S28
sign glossary
Septoplasty Sinus Surgery Recovery
Septoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to repair the effects of a deviated septum in the nose. Recovery from the procedure varies from person to person, and the full results of surgery might not be known for up to a year.
Sign Language Word Reference Guide - F14
sign glossary
Sign Language Word Reference Guide - L11
sign glossary
Sign Language Word Reference Guide - D9
sign glossary
Fastest Way to Get Rid of a Stuffy Nose
A stuffy nose can be caused by colds, infections or allergies. Most people think a stuffy nose is caused by thick mucus; but it is actually caused by swollen tissues in the lining of the nose due to inflamed blood vessels. Finding the fastest way to get rid of a stuffy nose can make daily functionin
Home Cures for Sinus Congestion
Sinus congestion can be brought on by allergies, sinusitis or a viral infection. It can cause intense headaches and pressure around your sinus cavities. Long-term sinus congestion is the perfect breeding ground for infections. Unclog your sinuses with great home cures that will leave you breathing e
Is Everyday Pollution Disrupting Your Hormones?
At the November, 2005 annual meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, the results of three new studies were announced that reveal more detrimental effects of environmental pollutants on the sex organs of fish off the California coast. Drs. Richard and Karilee Shames look at
"I Give Up!" What to Do When Nothing Helps Your Thyroid
What do you do when you feel like you've tried everything to feel and live well with your thyroid condition, you've done everything, seen every expert and practitioner, tried every herb, vitamin and remedy, and you STILL don't feel well? when you're tired, frustrated, and you giv
Signs & Symptoms of Tonsillitis in Toddlers
Tonsillitis occurs when bacteria or a virus infects your toddler's tonsils, the fleshy lymph nodes located along the sides of the back of your child's throat. Usually developing as a result of a viral infection, tonsillitis in toddlers typically requires relief methods such as drinking...
Tammy Gets an Implant - A New Life Begins
In part 6 of the Tammy Gets an Implant serial, Tammy is richly rewarded with the joys of sound.
Hemoptysis is the medical term for coughing up blood. Find out what causes hemoptysis and when you should call your doctor.