Fastest Way to Get Rid of a Stuffy Nose
- Decongestants are a front-line treatment in clearing up a stuffy nose quickly. Decongestants work to shrink the inflamed blood vessels that cause nasal congestion. They are similar to adrenaline, which is a natural decongestant. The unwanted side effects of decongestants include jittery or nervous feelings, difficulty sleeping, difficulty urinating and increased blood pressure. Consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking a decongestant if you have an irregular heart rhythm, high blood pressure, heart disease or glaucoma.
Over-the-counter decongestants come in the form of pills, liquids and nasal sprays. Common brand names include Sudafed and Dura-Vent. Nasal spray offers immediate relief from congestion, but should be used only on a short-term basis (fewer than three days). Long-term use of nasal sprays cause the body to build up a tolerance, reducing the effectiveness and causing rebound congestion. - Allergy sufferers can cure a stuffy nose with the use of antihistamines. Histamine is the chemical the body releases during an allergy attack or infection. Antihistamine works to block the histamine, reducing the associated symptoms.
Antihistamines are generally taken in pill form. Drowsiness is a common side effect of antihistamines, so take care when driving or operating machinery. Drowsiness does improve after the first few doses. Common antihistamine brands include Benadryl and Claritin. - Steam helps clear congestion. You can take a hot shower or use a humidifier, or pour hot water in a bowl and drape a towel behind your head to make a tent. Inhale the steam, keeping your head at least a few inches above the bowl. Slowly test how low you can go without the steam getting too hot.
Garlic, onions and cayenne pepper have antiviral properties and help to unclog nasal passages. You can also prepare a "hot toddy" drink that includes a liquor (such as rum), water, sugar and spices. A half a glass of wine can also help; but drinking more than that will just cause extra stress to the body, which can hinder the recovery process.
Saline spray, an alternative to decongestant spray, can be used as often as you want. You can blow your nose directly after use to help clear out congestion.