Ear & Nose,Throat : Health & Medical

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Deaf Blogger Profile - Dianrez

Deaf Blogger Profile - Dianrez

Profile of Diane, who does the Musings on Communication blog.
Sign Language - Medical Sign Language

Sign Language - Medical Sign Language

Medical sign language for health care providers.
Thyroid Conditions and Treatments

Thyroid Conditions and Treatments

The thyroid is part of a set of glands in your body that make up the endocrine system. The others are the parathyroid glands, the adrenals, the pituitary gland and the neuroendocrine glands of the pancreas. The function of the endocrine system is to secrete hormones, chemicals that cause some effect
How Often Can You Use a Neti Pot?

How Often Can You Use a Neti Pot?

Nasal irrigation (also called nasal lavage or nasal washing) with a neti pot helps all kinds of sinus ailments, but many people do not know how often to use a neti pot. Depending on the type and severity of the sinus problem, or if the neti pot is used for maintenance, the frequency of use varies.
Sign for Turkey

Sign for Turkey

Sign for Turkey
How to Recognize Hypothyroid Disease

How to Recognize Hypothyroid Disease

Hypothyroid disease is serious. Left untreated it can cause major problems. You may not always be able to recognize the symptoms. Others may have noticed a change in you. Pay attention to what your friends and family are observing.
What to Do for a Sinus Headache

What to Do for a Sinus Headache

Sinus headaches are characterized by pain and pressure in the front part of the head and in the face. These headaches, which often are worsened by sudden changes in temperature and movement, are caused by problems in the sinus cavities. These problems can stem a number of culprits, including viruses
Thyroid Problems Caused by Histoplasmosis

Thyroid Problems Caused by Histoplasmosis

Histoplasmosis is infection caused by the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum. Breathing spores from the fungus brings on infection, with the most common form of illness being lung infection producing a general ill feeling, fever, chest pain and respiratory symptoms including a dry cough. Rarely, histopla
So You've Tested for Thyroid Antibodies. What Now?

So You've Tested for Thyroid Antibodies. What Now?

Your thyroid is in the process of autoimmune dysfunction. The presence of antibodies may in fact generate hyperthyroid or hypothyroid symptoms.
Medicine for a Sinus Infection

Medicine for a Sinus Infection

When sinuses become inflamed either by a cold or flu or from an allergen, they can become infected. Some symptoms include congestion, swollen face and a dry cough. Sinus infections can last weeks to months if left untreated. Fortunately, there are three types of medications typically prescribed for
A Tribute to Dr. John Lowe

A Tribute to Dr. John Lowe

A tribute to researcher, writer, practitioner and advocate John Lowe, DC, founder and editor of Thyroid Science, and expert on fibromyalgia and thyroid issues.
Picture 18

Picture 18

Examples of art on the walls of the tunnels at the Rochester Institute of Technology/National Technical Institute for the Deaf
What Are Tonsils?

What Are Tonsils?

Tonsils are an important part of the body's immune system, helping to fight infections. Although most people are familiar with the tonsils at the back of the throat, humans also have two other sets of tonsils.
Levothyroxine Q&A

Levothyroxine Q&A

Levothyroxine Q&A -- Information for Patients about Synthroid, Levoxyl, Unithroid and Levothroid,from Mary Shomon, Thyroid Guide, patient advocate and author of a number of books and guides on thyroid disease and autoimmune disease
Cures for Sinus Headache

Cures for Sinus Headache

It is common to experience a headache while dealing with a cold or the flu. Not only are your nasal passages congested and swollen, but the sinuses behind the cheeks and the brows also feel tender and inflamed. However, just because you caught a bug doesn't necessarily mean the headache you're suffe
How to Check Your Thyroid Gland

How to Check Your Thyroid Gland

Checking your thyroid gland is an important and easy way to make sure that your thyroid is functioning normally.
Chiropractors See Thyroid as Marketing Cash Cow

Chiropractors See Thyroid as Marketing Cash Cow

Chiropractors See Thyroid as Marketing Cash Cow: Why Thyroid Patients Should be Skeptical