Home Cures for Sinus Congestion
- Get your mucus flowing by staying hydrated and drinking at least 10 8 oz. glasses of water a day. Use herbal teas like peppermint, ginger and chamomile. If you have any mint growing in your yard, wash it off and boil it in a pot of water for 5 minutes. Scoop out the mint and enjoy the water with honey. Make spicy soups like tortilla, hot tomato and chicken noodle with lots of pepper flakes. Add salsa, hot sauce, horseradish, cayenne, chili flakes, garlic, raw onion or wasabi. Do not drink or eat anything with dairy. Milk products help form mucus. Be careful not to use salt, because it will dry you out.
- The easiest way to break up the mucus in your sinus cavities is to use steam. Close all the doors in your bathroom. Turn on the shower and keep it at the hottest temperature. Get into the shower or sit outside with a warm wash rag over your head. Bring in some cool water to stay hydrated. Let the steam work its magic for at least 30 minutes. Have tissues on hand to blow your nose. Another great method is to boil water on the stove. Put a towel over your head and breathe the steam in for 10 minutes. Be careful not to open your eyes. If you have a Neti pot, fill the pot with 2 tbsp. of sea salt and water. Pour directly into your nose and allow the water to drip out. Neti pots can be bought at health food stores and pharmacies.
- Eat a diet full of fruit and vegetables. Get plenty of Vitamins C, E, A and B. Zinc lozenges work wonders for sinus infections. If you are on antibiotics, you must replenish the good bacteria that is being killed by the medicine. Get acidophilus by taking capsules. Refrain from using decongestants for a prolonged period. They can become addictive and will hinder your normal sinus functions. Do not use decongestants if you have a history of high blood pressure or heart disease. Give your sinus congestion time to heal. If you do not see a marked improvement, consult with a doctor after a week.