A Tribute to Dr. John Lowe
Updated September 15, 2014.
When I was writing my first book on thyroid disease, Living Well With Hypothyroidism, back in 1998, I wanted to write a chapter about the use of T3 as part of thyroid hormone replacement therapy for some thyroid patients. In talking to many experts, the person who was doing the most cutting-edge studies on the topic was Dr. John Lowe.
Dr. Lowe was trained in chiropractic medicine, but had expanded his work into the study of hormones, metabolism, the immune system, fibromyalgia and thyroid disease.
He was forever conducting amazing research, delving into various studies and doing whatever he could to be a forward-thinking advocate for the patient community. At that time, he generously shared so much information and time, to help make that chapter in my book, which was an important section, a success.
Since that time, I enjoyed a special relationship with Dr. Lowe, regularly featuring his work here at About.com and appreciating his service on the steering committee of the Save Natural Thyroid Coalition, which became the Coalition for Better Thyroid Care.
So it was with a heavy heart that I heard from Dr. Lowe's wife, Tammy Lowe, that he died on Jan. 9, 2012 at the age of 65. He died from complications following a head injury sustained in November 2011.
Dr. Lowe was author of The Metabolic Treatment of Fibromyalgia, a textbook that was published after 10 years of writing and editing. He was also editor of the homepage DrLowe.com, founder of FibromyalgiaResearch.org and the editor of Thyroid Science online journal (www.ThyroidScience.com).
In a loving tribute letter, Tammy wrote the following:
In the final months since his head injury - John was able to accomplish several things despite impaired vision in his right eye and a broken collar bone. He proudly completed a forward to a book titled Recovering with T3 by Paul Robinson, and a forward for the book The Hormone Zone, by Dr. John Robinson. He also conducted an interview for Dr. Mark Swanson that will soon be published. And finally, he was also working to complete his own book, Safely Getting Well With Thyroid Hormone and was preparing to have it in print within a few weeks.
...What final words can I offer to you all at this sad time? For those of you who knew him personally, who spoke with him on the phone, who met him face-to-face, shook his hand or offered a hug in gratitude - you will join our daughter Michele and me in sorrow as we face this tragic loss together. For those of you who never had the privilege to know my husband personally, but read his writings, just know that he believed in his research and hoped that someday the TSH testing would be abandoned as the standard practice for thyroid health and that healthcare would return to the science-based treatment that it should be. Remember the scientist that he was and continue to share his work with others who need it. Remember his voice for those who felt they were never heard when they were in need of direction. Remember the extraordinary man that he was and help me maintain his everlasting presence.
Dr. Lowe was one of the first researchers to focus on and study the relationship between fibromyalgia and hypothyroidism, as seen in the following articles:
- The Thyroid/Fibromyalgia Connection: Shared Causes, Shared Treatments
- Fibromyalgia, Hypothyroidism and the Theories of Dr. John Lowe
- Fibromyalgia Aches and Pains as a "Symptom" of Hypothyroidism
- Optimal Treatment for Hypothyroidism
- Dr. John Lowe Publishes Critique of the Four Studies Comparing T4- and T4/T3-Replacement: Get a Copy to Bring to Your Doctor
- Dr. John Lowe Debunks Dr. Richard Guttler's Controversial Claims About Natural Desiccated Thyroid
- Fighting the Dogma of Dr. Guttler and the "Real Thyroid Experts" - Dr. John Lowe Publishes Scientific Critique
- Dr. John Lowe Issues Scathing Rebuttal of Flawed UK Policy Against Armour Thyroid
- Are Only Members of Thyroid Professional Groups Qualified to Research and Write About Thyroid Disease?
Dr. John Lowe's research changed the face of thyroid and fibromyalgia treatment, and he will forever be remembered as a protector, defender and champion of thyroid and fibromyalgia patients. His contributions to research and advocacy will be greatly missed.