How to Cure A Sinus Infection Without Antibiotics
Stuffed up sinuses and sinus pain caused by a common cold or allergies can be cured. Even sinus blockage caused by bacterial infection can be cleared until the infection heals. Simple home treatments are usually effective for acute sinusitis that lasts up to four weeks.
Sign Language - Letter P
Sign language letter P
Home Remedy for Laryngitis
Laryngitis is the term used to describe a condition in which inflammation of the larynx results in a loss of voice. Generally caused by a viral infection, laryngitis can be accompanied by a sore throat and hoarseness, making it difficult to speak. Happily, most people with laryngitis are able to rec
Cause of Hearing Loss - Sudden Deafness
More people lose their hearing suddenly than you might think.
Signs & Symptoms of Benign Thyroid Nodule
Thyroid nodules are the most common problem with your endocrine system. Your thyroid is a small gland on the front of your neck that is responsible for producing certain hormones that help your body function properly. Sometimes the thyroid gland develops growths or nodules that can be...
Health Insurance for the Self Employed
Health Insurance for the Self Employed
How to Clear Sinus Congestion Naturally
Sinus congestion will knock you flat, whether it's from colds, allergies, or just plain old non-allergenic sinusitis. If you can't breathe, you can't do anything until you get sinus relief.And many of the cures are as bad as the disease. Spray decongestants create a rebound reaction th
Sign Language Word Reference Guide - F1
sign glossary
How to Heal a Diabetic Sore
Diabetic sores are serious and need proper treatment. They can lead to ulcers (open, deep sores) and even amputation. If you have a sore or an ulcer, you can take steps to facilitate healing and prevent infection, but also see a doctor soon after you notice the sore.
Sign Language - Signs of Crime
In a crime emergency, how can the police communicate with deaf and hard of hearing people? A list of common crime words and signs for them, plus resources on the web to assist police departments.
How to Correct a Low Thyroid
Hypothyroidism, also known as underactive or low thyroid, occurs when the thyroid gland does not create a sufficient amount of certain significant hormones. It is most common in females over age 50 and, if left unchecked, can lead to weight gain, heart disease and numerous other health issues. Conve
What Is an Inactive Thyroid?
Located in the front of the neck, the thyroid controls metabolic rate and body temperature and determines the way the body uses energy. Many people suffer from hypothyroidism, or an inactive thyroid.
How to Get Rid of a Constant Tickle in the Throat
A constant tickle in the throat can cause significant coughing, which is not only a nuisance, it can be embarrassing. Constantly coughing in an attempt to rid yourself of the tickle can make speaking challenging. In addition, throat tickles can be caused by allergies, dry air, post nasal drip or res
Bleeding Throat
A variety of causes exist for bleeding in the throat. For example, if someone suffers from bulimia they may experience bleeding in the throat from vomit-induced irritation, or a smoker could experience bleeding in the throat as a result of smoking. A few common possibilities exist for those who have
Chronic Sinus Problems in Children
The sinuses are cavities inside your child's skull, lined with mucous, that connect the nasal passages. When those cavities are blocked or filled with fluid, or appear swollen, red and irritated, sinusitis likely will be diagnosed.
Is Kelp Bad for Thyroid Nodules?
Kelp is not bad for thyroid nodules if consumed in moderation. In fact, for nodules due to an iodine deficiency, eating kelp or other types of seaweed may be beneficial if your doctor has not warned against it.
Interpreters - Interpreter Directories and Referral Agencies
Finding an interpreter to hire can be challenging. Here is a list of interpreting directories and sources for lists of interpreting service agencies.
Magnesium & Low Thyroid Results
Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones. Symptoms of this disease include fatigue, depression, constipation, and stiffness, according to the Mayo Clinic. Alternative practitioners, such as nutritionist Raymond Peat, believe that upping magnesium inta
Jobs - Jobsearch - Use an Interpreter
Why interpreters are important for deaf job hunters.
Symptoms of Nasal Congestion
Nasal congestion afflicts everyone at some point. Your symptoms can help you determine how best to treat the condition.