Health & Medical Ear & Nose,Throat

Top 7 Deaf Psychology Books

Updated November 05, 2011.

These are books about the psychology of deafness that I have either found the most interesting and easy to read, that are relevant to people working with deaf and hard of hearing psychotherapy clients, or that have been recommended by About visitors.

1. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Deaf and Hearing Persons

The full title is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Deaf and Hearing Persons with Language and Learning Challenges. This book discusses mental health treatment for deaf clients with limited English. It takes psychotherapy techniques and adapts them for the needs of deaf clients.More »

2. Odyssey of Hearing Loss

A therapist-written book about people's experiences with hearing loss and its psychological impact.More »

3. Psychological Development of Deaf Children

This book focuses on the effects of deafness on the psychological development of deaf children.More »

4. Psychological Processes in Deaf Children With Complex Needs

This book focuses on deaf children who are "deaf plus," meaning that they have other issues in addition to deafness. These issues can include behavior and emotional problems.More »

5. Psychotherapy With Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Persons: A Systemic Model

This book describes a model for assessing and treating deaf and hard of hearing therapy clients.More »

6. Psychotherapy with Deaf Clients from Diverse Groups

This book was recommended by a visitor to A collection of essays on psychotherapy with deaf people. The first section of the book is about deaf clients in general, and the rest is about specific groups including deaf women, gays, hearing children with deaf parents, and deaf ethnic groups. The last part of the book deals with specific issues and deafness, including HIV/AIDS, sexual abuse, and chemical dependency.More »

7. Visually Speaking: Art Therapy and the Deaf

This book encourages art therapists to work with deaf people and educates them about deaf people.More »

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