Diet for Metabolism & Thyroid Problems
- The Zone Diet teaches you how to balance your meals around specific portions of different kinds of foods, which typically leads to weight loss or stability. One third of your plate contains lean protein, such as skinless chicken or fish. The rest should be filled with fruits and vegetables with just a dash of monounsaturated fat, such as olive oil. Trans-fats and carbohydrates are discouraged.
- The Atkins Diet, or the Eco-Atkins Diet, is successful for many thyroid patients because of its low-carbohydrate, high-protein approach. Besides helping you lose weight, your cholesterol may be lowered, too. Slow and steady weight loss is typical, and healthy weight can be maintained as well. The Atkins Diet also promotes eating plenty of fruits and vegetables.
- Any diet that you follow will help you lose or maintain your weight despite your thyroid and metabolism problems if you keep carbohydrate intake to a bare minimum. Carbohydrates such as bread and pasta slow your metabolism, making it nearly impossible to lose weight when your thyroid isn't functioning properly. Consult your physician before beginning any new diets or supplements, especially if you have other conditions.