Health & Medical Ear & Nose,Throat

Septoplasty Sinus Surgery Recovery

    The Facts

    • The septum is a bone and cartilage wall that separates the two nostrils inside the nose. When it is displaced to one side or deviated, it may trigger symptoms including sinus infections and breathing difficulties.

    Septoplasty Techniques

    • Septoplasty may involve repositioning the septum cartilage, grafting cartilage to a section of the septum or trimming cartilage and/or bone. It is typically performed through the skin at the nose's natural creases.

    Surgical Considerations

    • During surgery, a patient may be fitted with plastic splints to hold the cartilage in position. In some cases, cotton may be placed in the nose for two or three days to protect against nosebleeds.

    Short-Term Recovery

    • Nasal splints may be removed a week or so after surgery. Typically, a return to full activity is possible in roughly two weeks.

    Potential Long-Term Results

    • After septoplasty, the nasal cartilage may shift in unforeseen ways. In some cases, it may take as long as a year before these changes reach their final form.

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