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How to Create a Boot Disk With Imgburn

How to Create a Boot Disk With Imgburn

According to CNET, ImgBurn is a lightweight and easy-to-use disc image burning application that ranks as one of the top-twenty CD burning applications available in CNET's vast repository of freeware, shareware and commercial software. Burning a boot disk with ImgBurn is effectively what the program
How to Create a Temp Page File

How to Create a Temp Page File

The paging file is a very important part of your computer's operating system, and it is important to know how to optimize it and tweak it to your needs. The operating system uses the page file to allocate available memory to run programs on your computer, and creating a page file can increase the ef
How to Expand an HFS File System

How to Expand an HFS File System

After creating a partition for your Mac OS X operating system, you may want to expand the partition to gain more space. Mac OS X's built-in disk management program may not be able to expand an HFS file system partition. However, users can utilize the Linux-based GParted Live software to reliably mov
How to Kill Update.exe

How to Kill Update.exe

The file extension .exe is used to denote an executable file. An executable file is simply a file that contains a program ready to be executed by a computer. Update.exe is a common name for an executable file. Update.exe may belong to several programs, including Spyware Doctor Internet Security, a l
How to Use an Orbit Download

How to Use an Orbit Download

Orbit Downloader is a software program that enables web surfers to copy and download videos, streaming media and music from popular websites, such as YouTube and MySpace, to their personal computers. Orbit Downloader integrates itself into web browsers and displays a convenient download option when
How to Access a Violation at the Address Module Ntdll Dll

How to Access a Violation at the Address Module Ntdll Dll

"Access violation at address 774028BF in module ntdll.dll" is an error code that you may encounter while you startup your computer. This error typically occurs after you have installed a software or a hardware on your computer. The access violation error may occur due to a wide variety of reasons. N
Utilities to Recover a File From an NTFS Partition

Utilities to Recover a File From an NTFS Partition

These utilities can un-erase a file, even after you empty the "Recycle Bin."erase image by dinostock from Fotolia.comEven though Windows offers a utility to recover files deleted from an "NTFS" partition-- deleted from the Recycle Bin--there are times when you will still need a...
How to Play a Blu-Ray in Windows Media Center

How to Play a Blu-Ray in Windows Media Center

A Blu-ray disc is the same size as a familiar DVD but with five times the storage capacity and capable of high-definition resolution for viewing on HDTV or a computer equipped with a Blu-ray drive. On computers running a Microsoft operating system and equipped with a Blu-ray disc drive, Windows Medi
How to Change Windows XP Product Key Utility

How to Change Windows XP Product Key Utility

Each installation of Microsoft Windows XP requires a "product" or "cd" key. The key is a long string of numbers that verifies to Microsoft that your copy of Windows is a legally purchased, valid version. If you need to change your XP product key, Microsoft makes a tool that will allow you to quickly
How to View Startup Programs From Recovery Console

How to View Startup Programs From Recovery Console

Windows Recovery Console allows computer administrators to troubleshoot problems when the computer won't start correctly. While it offers a breadth of options for reconfiguring and restoring your system, Microsoft recommends that only advanced operators use the Recovery Console, as a mistaken comman
How to Get Rid of About Blank Page

How to Get Rid of About Blank Page

Browsing the Internet became easier and quicker with the advent of tabbed browsing. But browsers like Internet Explorer for Windows have what is referred to as an About:blank page when you open a new tab. This page is essentially dead space with little useful information. But getting rid of it if yo
How to Change a Browser Proxy

How to Change a Browser Proxy

A proxy is a software application on a server that acts as a gateway to another network. Proxies are most often used for security and performance reasons. They can be used to protect connections traversing network boundaries. Caching of data on a proxy can increase the speed of users browsing the In
How to Install Windows XP on a Compaq Presario SR5233WM

How to Install Windows XP on a Compaq Presario SR5233WM

Owners of Compaq Presario Sr5233wm computers may, at some point, decide that they want to install Windows XP as their operating system. The process of changing an operating system is not as difficult as it sounds. If your computer has less than 512MB of RAM, you should add RAM before installing Wind
How to Repair the Bad Pool Caller in Windows 2000

How to Repair the Bad Pool Caller in Windows 2000

The "Bad Pool Caller" error on your Windows 2000 computer is a fatal blue screen error that forces a restart on your computer. The problem originates in improper configuration of your Windows 2000 system, typically as a result of corrupted or aging system files. Resolve the issue by repairing the op
How to Change the Windows Start Up Menu

How to Change the Windows Start Up Menu

The Windows Start Menu is a shortcut that includes applications, system tools and commands that are vital for computer management. While it includes a certain number of default tools, you can also customize it and give it the look you want. You can add, remove and change shortcuts depending on what
Windows Defragment Tools

Windows Defragment Tools

As your computer ages, you need to keep the machine maintained in order to help it continue to run and respond well. As you download, move and delete files on your computer’s hard drive, the data files slowly become more and more fragmented. Fragmented data may cause the hard drive...
How to Caulk Exterior Windows

How to Caulk Exterior Windows

Sealing exterior windows cuts heating and cooling costs, repels moisture to prevent rot and discourages ants and other insects. Spending an afternoon with a caulking gun can mean big savings on future utility bills and repair or replacement costs of your expensive home windows. Applying caulk is a f
How to Restore the Windows Taskbar

How to Restore the Windows Taskbar

If you are not able to see the taskbar on your Windows operating system's screen, the problem does not rest in the fact that the taskbar was uninstalled or not working properly. Rather, the problem is that the taskbar is hidden. You can change the settings on your Windows computer to turn off the au
Why Can't I See My Start Menu & My Taskbar?

Why Can't I See My Start Menu & My Taskbar?

While subsequent Windows releases have changed slightly, all versions of Windows from XP forward have offered you the ability to customize your taskbar and "Start" menu. When customizing the tools, sometimes you might change things by accident. If you share a workspace with someone else, it's also p
What Is Internal Error 2908?

What Is Internal Error 2908?

A message on your computer screen that states, "Internal Error 2908: Could not install component" can serve as an annoying roadblock for what should be an effortless software installation. Simple causes and solutions to this pesky error message exist, however.