Technology Microsoft Software & solutions

How to Install Windows XP on a Compaq Presario SR5233WM

    • 1). Completely back up your computer to an external drive or CDs. This is important because changing a computer's operating system can lead to the deletion of a number of files.

    • 2). Insert the Windows XP disc in the computer's optical drive and click on the executable file to begin the installation process. Follow the instructions, selecting the options you would like with the new operating system. When the installation is complete, your computer will automatically reboot to complete the installation process.

    • 3). Use the Internet to locate any updates to the program you need to install. Because the CD-Rom is no longer current, the operating system will need to be updated. To do this, click the "Start" menu and scroll up to "All Programs". In the next screen, scroll up to "Windows Update" and select it. It will connect to the Internet and find any updates you need. Follow the instructions for each download and restart your computer if necessary.

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