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How to Hide Firefox Bookmarks in the Address Bar

How to Hide Firefox Bookmarks in the Address Bar

In Firefox, the Bookmarks toolbar allows you to launch websites you use frequently. Once saved, your favorite Web pages are added to the Bookmarks toolbar, where you can launch them quickly without typing the URL address. If you want a larger browsing window, you can hide the Bookmarks folder quickl
How to Boost Windows XP Performance: General Tips

How to Boost Windows XP Performance: General Tips

The following are general tips for enhancing your overall experience with Windows XP, giving you more stability when performing your day-to-day tasks.
How to Disable Avira in Windows

How to Disable Avira in Windows

Avira is a security program that protects your computer from dangerous parasites such as Trojans and other viruses that threaten computer performance. Avira includes "Antivir Guard"--a component that monitors your computer in real time and notifies you of potentially dangerous threats. You may need
How to Recover Files on Windows XP

How to Recover Files on Windows XP

In operating systems prior to Windows 95, accidentally deleting a file could have been devastating without the use of third party software to recover the file. Now, Windows users can easily recover files that were accidentally deleted in a matter of seconds, with the use of the recycle bin, which is
How to Repair Windows XP When My Computer Doesn't Work

How to Repair Windows XP When My Computer Doesn't Work

A Windows XP repair installation is a great way to repair your computer if you can't get it to work through other troubleshooting methods. The repair installation uses the Windows XP installation CD to reload the core Windows files into the computer while leaving your data files intact. This lets yo
How to Access the Recovery Console on an HP

How to Access the Recovery Console on an HP

The Microsoft Windows Recovery Console is a tool that can help you resolve operating system issues on computer running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003. The Windows Recovery Console allows you to use command-line instructions to repair or diagnose problems with your Windows installation. Some compu
How to Install Setup.EXE

How to Install Setup.EXE

There are thousands of available computer software programs out there, but most programs that are going to be installed on a Microsoft Windows-based computer are installed in the exact same way. Setup.exe is normally the install file that, when accessed, will launch the installation wizard and begin
Online Vs. Batch Processing

Online Vs. Batch Processing

Computing in the mid-twentieth century was far different than today. Processor advances have led to processing more transactions online, but batch processing still drives large businesses. The result of either process is the same but two entirely different thought processes are involved.
How to Install a Window With No Windowsill

How to Install a Window With No Windowsill

Window installation is easier today than it used to be. This is because of advancements in modern replacement windows, which are prehung and designed to pop into the window opening all at once. As a result, what's around the window opening generally doesn't matter. A window with no sill is as easy t
How to Activate XP Over the Phone

How to Activate XP Over the Phone

Windows operating system software must be activated within 30 days of purchase. This is Microsoft's method of combating software piracy and making sure you have purchased a legal copy of the Windows operating system software. You can activate Windows XP over the internet, by using a modem to dial in
How to Repair Windows XP Using Recovery

How to Repair Windows XP Using Recovery

Included with the Windows XP installation disc, the Recovery Console provides a command-line console outside of the operating system that allows you to perform a number of advanced troubleshooting methods. Prior to accessing the Recovery Console, troubleshoot your issue until you understand the prob
How to Increase the Virtual Memory Allocation in Java

How to Increase the Virtual Memory Allocation in Java

You can increase the virtual memory Java uses with command line arguments.
How to Get Rid of SQlite3

How to Get Rid of SQlite3

SQLite Version 3 is a database software application for the Windows Vista and Windows 7 operating systems. If you are looking to upgrade the database software on your Windows computer with a different application, you can delete the SQLite3 software from your system. You can easily get rid of the SQ
How to Share a Drive on XP Home

How to Share a Drive on XP Home

Many different things are stored on computer hard drives. Sometimes, we don't know where a piece of information that we need is stored. If we only open specific folders to sharing, then there is a chance that the file needed may be somewhere else on the hard drive. Opening up the complete Windows XP
Windows XP Virtual Memory Performance

Windows XP Virtual Memory Performance

Your computer stores the data it needs to run currently active programs in silicon memory chips called RAM (Random Access Memory). Virtual memory comes to the rescue when your computer does not have enough RAM space to accommodate all of the processes its currently active programs demand.
How to Add Volume to Taskbars

How to Add Volume to Taskbars

By default, Windows 7 displays the volume icon on the notifications area located at the far right of the task bar. This makes it easy for you to modify the volume when using applications such as media players and the Internet. If the volume icon is missing from the task bar, it is likely disabled or
Windows Startup Options

Windows Startup Options

Windows offers several startup modes that differ in functionality. Each startup mode stems from a different issue. They allow the user to access the computer so that she can diagnose the problem. In many cases, alternative startup modes are used to repair damage done by a computer virus or to attemp
How to Locate a Windows Product Key

How to Locate a Windows Product Key

Microsoft provides many software solutions for just about anything imaginable--everything from office programs to drawing and design to operating systems. The Windows operating system is used across the globe. When installing any Windows software you need to provide a product key. Be sure to keep yo
How to Find Invisible Files on My Computer

How to Find Invisible Files on My Computer

The Windows 7 operating system features several methods for locating and working with files. Most files that are commonly worked with, such as documents or media files, can be viewed or opened without any difficulty. However, in an attempt to shield users from potentially damaging their computer sys
MATLAB Requirements

MATLAB Requirements

MATLAB is a programming tool you can use to complete complex tasks that require a large amount of computing. According to the developer, MathWorks, the software is useful for performing a variety of computations related to finance, image processing, computational biology and more. It also includes b