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Online Vs. Batch Processing

    Batch Processing

    • Batch processing typically involves the transfer of some hardcopy record into a computer readable record, and putting a number of these records into a "batch." These "batches" of records were fed into the nightly process which read them in one at a time and performed the appropriate processing against the company's database. The batch programs had to contain edits that caught keying errors, bad information, or other types of problems.

    Online Processing

    • Online processing typically requires fast response times, and with the growth in computing power, companies were able to put more emphasis on online transaction processing. IBM's CICS (Customer Information Control System) provided the platform for writing online transaction processing (OLTP) applications. As applications have moved more to a mobile format through the Internet, this process has advanced to the point where the customer can make their own changes.

    The Programmer's Thought Processes

    • The thought processes are for programming online and batch are fundamentally different. In a batch environment, one record is read and processed against edits and either posted to the database or logged to an error file. On the other hand, in an online environment, there is a person on the other end of an interactive process. The application must be programmed to interact with the person, who may find very creative ways to befuddle the application, requiring the programmer to think of every possible error that could occur.

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