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Snake Gourd Crafts

Snake Gourd Crafts

The snake gourd, also known as serpent gourd, is a tropical plant, with the scientific name Trichosanthes cucumerina. It naturally grows in India and southeast Asia and will grow in warmer locations in the U.S. Trichosanthes has a five-petaled white flower with long lacy edges. The long thin gourd
Silly String Tips

Silly String Tips

Silly String is a brand name for a product that consists of a foamy string sprayed from a can. The string is often sold at party and novelty stores and is man's best attempt at recreating the naturally occurring phenomenon known as a spider's web. Spiders transform a biopolymer solution in their bod
How to Color Carnations With Food Coloring

How to Color Carnations With Food Coloring

Although white carnations are beautiful just as they are, it can be fun to trick Mother Nature just a bit and alter the color of the carnations. With food coloring, you can make the carnations nearly any color you desire. Coloring white carnations with food coloring can be a simple science experimen
Hardback Vs. Softback Lamp Shades

Hardback Vs. Softback Lamp Shades

Selecting the right lampshade size and shape is tricky enough, but you also have to choose between types. Hardback and softback shades are two of the most common shade options for table lamps. Though both have fabric covers, they look quite different. Both types have distinct pros and cons.
How to Use SuperKey to Transfer Pokemon

How to Use SuperKey to Transfer Pokemon

A SuperKey is a device that allows you to access media on your Nintendo DS or DS Lite system. The SuperKey allows you to run homebrew software, freeware and other executable files on your DS, in a way similar to the Flash Cart device for Nintendo's earlier Gameboy Advance system. One use for the Sup
How to Make a Hand Puppet Like an Ant

How to Make a Hand Puppet Like an Ant

Hand puppets can be used to put on puppet shows and plays and can be customized to resemble different creatures, such as ants. If you are creating a puppet show about the insect world, you might decide to add a few ant puppets. You can construct ant puppets out of simple materials, such as socks, cr
How to Make a Pocket Holster

How to Make a Pocket Holster

Pocket holsters are the preferred holsters for many simply because they maintain the gun in the same position while preventing chaffing. Additionally, a pocket holster allows a gun to be drawn cleanly while the holster stays behind. There are several brands of pocket holsters for purchase, but maki
How to Make Women's Reversible Wrap Skirts

How to Make Women's Reversible Wrap Skirts

You can make a reversible wrap skirt for a versatile fashion piece that can be worn on a date, to the mall or at the beach. You can use the same type of fabric for each side of the skirt or use satin for one side and a simple cotton blend fabric for the reverse side, so you can wear the skirt to bot
How Do You Vote for Friends in "Sorority Life" on Facebook?

How Do You Vote for Friends in "Sorority Life" on Facebook?

Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook in 2004 as an Internet social media hub. Initially he created the site for Harvard University students, but now anyone anyone over age 13 can join the website. One of the increasingly popular features of Facebook is the games offered via applications on the site. "S
How to Re-Ink Pre-Inked Rubber Stamps

How to Re-Ink Pre-Inked Rubber Stamps

Every rubber stamp manufacturer has a unique way of having you re-ink a pre-inked rubber stamp. Some have you remove the top while others have you apply the ink directly to the stamp itself. The most common method is to remove the top of the stamp for re-inking.
Ideas for a Senior Project on Marine Life

Ideas for a Senior Project on Marine Life

High school seniors have to participate in a variety of rigorous academic requirements such as term papers and college placement tests. Many high schools also require seniors to complete a senior project prior to graduation. One possible topic for a senior project is marine life. There are many ways
Love Bug Craft With Finger Holes

Love Bug Craft With Finger Holes

As with any holiday, you can recognize that a special day is approaching according to the decorations that you start seeing popping up everywhere. Valentines Day is one of those holidays that it is hard to miss. Amongst the hearts, flowers and candy, you will also find lots of love bug crafts floati
Thanksgiving Crafts for Older Kids

Thanksgiving Crafts for Older Kids

Harvest centerpiece for ThanksgivingThanksgiving bouquet on the table image by painless from Fotolia.comMake holidays like Thanksgiving more fun with exciting crafts. There are so many craft ideas that have to do with turkeys, pilgrims and harvest foods, but many of these craft ideas are...
Crochet Instructions for Curtains

Crochet Instructions for Curtains

Instead of visiting the home furnishings store or a department store to buy curtains, plan ahead and make them. Once you've taken the measure of the window you want to put new curtains on, buy the yarn and start crocheting your curtains in your spare time. You should feel comfortable measuring the l
How to Make an Easy Baby Doll Top

How to Make an Easy Baby Doll Top

Boys and girls alike enjoy new tops for their baby dolls. Since baby dolls come in various shapes and sizes, finding a variety of styles and colors that your child likes can prove to be difficult. As an alternative, you can make your own baby doll tops. A quick and easy top you can make for your chi
How to Apply Behandla to a Butcher Block

How to Apply Behandla to a Butcher Block

Raw wood surfaces such as butcher blocks and some types of countertops need to be sealed and oiled in order to avoid splitting and cracking. Behandla is a wood sealing and finishing product sold by Swedish retailer IKEA. It is generally comprised of tung and linseed oils. This penetrating oils can b
How to Assemble a No-Sew Fabric Gift Box

How to Assemble a No-Sew Fabric Gift Box

Fabric gift boxes add a touch of style to gift giving, and because they make attractive storage boxes, recipients can reuse them rather than simply throwing them away. Making your own fabric gift box using fabric scraps will save you money and allow you to personalize your gift to suit the recipient