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Ideas for a Senior Project on Marine Life

    Create a Marine Life Classification Display

    • Classifying and presenting marine life species is one option for a senior project. Research species of marine life to obtain information about their taxonomy, diet, habitat and other features, as well as pictures of each species. Include mammals, coral, plants, fish and other forms of marine life. It would not be possible to include all forms of marine life, so choose one or a few or select those that live in a specific habitat. Depending on the guidelines of the assignment, you could print and display the information on a project board or create a PowerPoint presentation.

    Outline a Marine Life Protection Plan

    • Seniors can explore the effects of global warming or habitat destruction on marine life and create a plan to protect marine life. Use the Internet, library or local conservation agency to research conservation issues that affect the oceans and learn how factors such as climate change and the destruction of rain forests can affect marine life. Then come up with a plan to help protect the oceans and outline a campaign that would advocate for change.

    Science Project about Pollution

    • If the project requires a science project-type experiment, seniors can discover the effects of pollutants on marine life. Choose common pollutants for the experiment, such as antifreeze and motor oil, or choose other household items such as laundry detergent or nail polish remover. Practice caution when using dangerous or flammable substances. Students can use a simple form of marine life such as daphnia, a small crustacean, for the experiment to determine how much of each pollutant is lethal.

    Work With a Local Marine Life Center

    • Students who are fortunate to live near a marine life center can benefit from collaborating with ongoing marine projects. They can contact the center and ask about volunteering for projects and interviewing staff. Students can present information from their experience at the center and summarize the project in which they participated.

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