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Thanksgiving Crafts for Older Kids

    Harvest Celebration Glass Jar

    • Celebrate the harvest by filling a glass jar with grains and other fall food items found in the kitchen; mason jars make good containers for this craft. These items need to be small and can include rice, different colored beans, buckwheat and barley. Layer the grains in the glass jar, leaving layers that are less dense for the top. Place a piece of crepe paper cut into a square on top of the jar. Wrap a pipe cleaner, ribbon or even twine around the crepe paper to keep it in place on the jar. Now you have a colorful decorative jar filled with items that represent the harvest and Thanksgiving.

    Apple Candleholders

    • Apple candleholders are a nice table decoration for your Thanksgiving meal. You will need tapered or votive candles (if you use tapered candles, make sure they are not too tall; it's best to use those that are 2 to 4 inches in height), apples (any color, although red is more a color of the season), a knife and lemon juice. Cut a hole in the center of the apples with a knife about 2 inches deep and as wide as the candles you are using. Add 2 tsp. of lemon juice inside the holes and allow it to sit for 10 minutes. The lemon juice helps prevent the inside of the apples from browning quickly. Pour out the lemon juice and let the holes air-dry. Insert the candles inside the apples.

    Candle Circle for Fall

    • This craft makes a beautiful centerpiece for your Thanksgiving table. You will need an 8-inch glass candleholder; pillar candle; platter or plate; leaf garland or branches (you can use natural or artificial); miniature artificial pears, gourds and apples as well as mini pine cones, berries and acorns. Sometimes these items come already attached to the leaf garland. Place a pillar candle inside the glass candleholder on a platter, and wrap the leaf garland around the glass candle holder. Cover the platter with more leaf garland and the mini pine cones, acorns and berries.

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