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How to Use Task Manager Without Using Keyboard Commands

    • 1). Right-click on the taskbar located in the Windows 7 PC desktop. Click the "Task Manager" item in the menu that appears.

    • 2). Click the "Applications" tab to view the list of programs currently running on the computer. Right-click on a program to view a list of operations available for the program. Click "End Task" in the menu that appears to stop the program from running. Right-click on a program and click the "minimize" item in the menu that appears to shrink the program window to the task bar or click the "maximize" item to make the program window open and viewable. Right-click on a program and click the "Bring to front" option in the menu that appears to move the program window in front of other programs. Click the "New Task" button to open a text box and type the name of a program executable file you wish to start.

    • 3). Click the "Processes" tab to view a list of all processes currently running under your user account. Click the "Show processes from all users" to view all processes running under all user accounts. Click on a process to highlight the process and click the "End Process" button to stop running the process. To view more information, click the "View" menu then click the box next to each column type you wish to view in the window that appears and click the "OK" button. Right-click on a process to view a menu of options that includes: "End Process," which means you are stopping a process; "End Process Tree" is stopping a process and all other processes associated with it; "Open File Location" opens the folder where the process file is located; and "Properties" views detailed information on the process.

    • 4). Click the "Services" tab to view the status of services running in the background on the computer. Right-click on a service and click "Go to Process" to view the process under which the service is running. Click "Stop Service" to stop the service from running or click "Start Service" to start a service that is not running.

    • 5). Click the "Performance" tab to view the status of memory and CPU utilization on the computer and the amount of resources available. Click the "Resource Monitor" button to open the Resource Monitor utility and view detailed information about the performance health of the system.

    • 6). Click the "Networking" tab to view the amount of bandwidth in use on the network. Note that this page includes both a graphical representation and a numeric representation, seen in the Network Utilization column at the bottom of the window, of network resource utilization.

    • 7). Click the "Users" tab to view the user accounts that are currently logged into the computer, located under the User column, the client computer from which they are connected, under the Client column, and the type of protocol they are using to connect to the computer under the Session column.

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