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How to Remove a Boat Steering Wheel Hub

    • 1). Remove all the trim plates from the center of the wheel hub so that the nut and threaded tapered shaft are exposed.

    • 2). Use the wrench to loosen the nut on the tapered shaft. Do not remove the nut. Instead, unscrew the nut until the top edge of the nut is just above the top of the tapered threads of the steering shaft.

    • 3). Spray a large quantity of a "rust buster" like PB Blaster or WD 40 into the slot where the "key" is located, and around the shaft the key fits into. Allow this to soak in for several hours.

    • 4). Place the block of wood on the top of the nut and hit the block of wood with the hammer. This should loosen the hub from the shaft. Remove the nut and lift the hub off the shaft.

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