How to Format Windows XP With a Virus
- 1). Back up any and all files you need to keep from the computer you are about to format. Place these files on a blank CD-Rom. The CD-Rom will allow you to keep the files separate so you can check them for viruses before returning them to your computer.
- 2). Place the Windows XP disc into the disc drive and restart the computer. Press any key when the "Press any key to boot from CD" message appears.
- 3). Press "Enter" on your keyboard when the first set of options appears on the screen to begin a new installation of Windows XP.
- 4). Press "F8" to agree to the Windows End User License Agreement.
- 5). Press "Esc" at the next set of options to continue a new installations. The other option is to press "R" to repair a previous installation that will not get rid of the virus.
- 6). Highlight a partition which already exists on your computer and press "D" to delete. Press "Enter" to confirm deletion. Press "L" to reconfirm deletion (these two confirmations are a safety feature). Deleting the partitions will force your computer to re-format upon Windows installation.
- 7). Press "C" to create a new partition at the next screen. Press "Enter" at the next screen to create a new partition.
- 8). Press "Enter" to install Windows XP in the newly created partition. This should get rid of the virus on your computer.