How to Get Hulu Videos on Your iPod
- 1). Open Safari on your iPod.
- 2). Type "" into the URL bar. Wait for the page, which is coded to display on the iPod, to load.
- 3). Click "Register" to register for the plug in. Enter your desired username, password, your name and your e-mail address. Click "Submit."
- 4). Wait until you receive the activation e-mail. This can take up to 24 hours.
- 5). Click "Activate" within the activation e-mail. Return to
- 6). Bookmark this page in your Safari browser.
- 7). Open your bookmarks and find the recently added bookmark. View the URL underneath the bookmark name. Highlight all text prior to the word "javascript" in the URL. Delete this text. Your URL should now begin with the word "javascript."
- 8). Go to by typing in "" into Safari's URL bar. You should receive a message that says you are unable to view any content.
- 9). Open your bookmarks and click on the recently added bookmark. This should automatically activate the plug-in. Wait for the video to begin streaming and watch.