It"s The Imaginary Economy, Stupid
Forget Reality...
Let's Have Four More Years Of The Dream It's a bit early, kind of, but the national media is really into this whole 2012 re-election campaign.
And the eighty percent of national news personalities who tend to "lean forward" (possibly because it's much easier than trying to find and report actual facts) refer to it precisely as the "2012 re-election" because, well, they have determined that the president deserves your vote - again.
And you can see why.
President Obama, in addition to being hip, young, good looking, and very articulate when reading his teleprompter, is totally a man of his word.
Why, everything he has lie - er, I mean, promised - has come to pass.
He said his administration would include unprecedented transparency, and that's why no one voted on any 2,000-page bills until everyone had a chance not only to read those bills, but to reflect upon them thoroughly.
He said he'd make America stronger, and that's why all of our allies (especially Israel) just LOVE us these days, and our enemies don't dare pull any dirty tricks.
He said he'd work with both parties to get the financial reforms necessary to prevent any debt downgrades or stock market crashes, which is why our economy is humming along at hyper-speed.
He promised a strong dollar, which is why we haven't seen any wacky "quantitative easing" devaluation schemes, and why the buck is doing so well.
He promised green energy - and look how we're just abuzz with it! He promised a new confidence in America - hope, and change - and that's why so many people now have the courage to start a business, build wealth, and prosper in the U.
I could go on and on, but I won't, because that's apparently the media's job.
It would not be beyond the mainstream media's imagination to present the president's record precisely the way I just did, because (in the words of Billy Crystal) it's not how you feel, it's how you look.
And to the media, Obama's America looks mahvelous.
But the biggest reason Obama deserves four more years is that he is the Jobs President.
You will hear that a lot in the coming months.
He promised that the stimulus packages and other economic policies would ensure unemployment would never go above eight percent, and see? It never did! That's why I don't know anybody who's unemployed, or underemployed, or working more than one job, or worried about keeping their job...
and neither do you.
According to the media, the president and his policies have saved or created, what, about a bazillion jobs! So many jobs we need lots of immigrants, legal or ill, to work them.
I know my personal unemployment rate hovers around 33 percent...
but I need those eight hours a day to do non-work stuff like sleep, eat, and get informed by Jon Stewart and Rachel Maddow.
The point is that the president has done a boffo job with jobs.
And if for no other reason, he really deserves another vote from you.
And America can look forward to four more years of being jobbed.
by Michael D.
Hume, M.
Let's Have Four More Years Of The Dream It's a bit early, kind of, but the national media is really into this whole 2012 re-election campaign.
And the eighty percent of national news personalities who tend to "lean forward" (possibly because it's much easier than trying to find and report actual facts) refer to it precisely as the "2012 re-election" because, well, they have determined that the president deserves your vote - again.
And you can see why.
President Obama, in addition to being hip, young, good looking, and very articulate when reading his teleprompter, is totally a man of his word.
Why, everything he has lie - er, I mean, promised - has come to pass.
He said his administration would include unprecedented transparency, and that's why no one voted on any 2,000-page bills until everyone had a chance not only to read those bills, but to reflect upon them thoroughly.
He said he'd make America stronger, and that's why all of our allies (especially Israel) just LOVE us these days, and our enemies don't dare pull any dirty tricks.
He said he'd work with both parties to get the financial reforms necessary to prevent any debt downgrades or stock market crashes, which is why our economy is humming along at hyper-speed.
He promised a strong dollar, which is why we haven't seen any wacky "quantitative easing" devaluation schemes, and why the buck is doing so well.
He promised green energy - and look how we're just abuzz with it! He promised a new confidence in America - hope, and change - and that's why so many people now have the courage to start a business, build wealth, and prosper in the U.
I could go on and on, but I won't, because that's apparently the media's job.
It would not be beyond the mainstream media's imagination to present the president's record precisely the way I just did, because (in the words of Billy Crystal) it's not how you feel, it's how you look.
And to the media, Obama's America looks mahvelous.
But the biggest reason Obama deserves four more years is that he is the Jobs President.
You will hear that a lot in the coming months.
He promised that the stimulus packages and other economic policies would ensure unemployment would never go above eight percent, and see? It never did! That's why I don't know anybody who's unemployed, or underemployed, or working more than one job, or worried about keeping their job...
and neither do you.
According to the media, the president and his policies have saved or created, what, about a bazillion jobs! So many jobs we need lots of immigrants, legal or ill, to work them.
I know my personal unemployment rate hovers around 33 percent...
but I need those eight hours a day to do non-work stuff like sleep, eat, and get informed by Jon Stewart and Rachel Maddow.
The point is that the president has done a boffo job with jobs.
And if for no other reason, he really deserves another vote from you.
And America can look forward to four more years of being jobbed.
by Michael D.
Hume, M.