Egyptian Prisons' escapees rush for Jihad against Israel
The commander of Central Sector of Hamas at Gaza strip Ayman Nofal was one among them and had been the master mind of Rocket launches that fell on Beersheba in Israel.
Other Operatives belonging to the Islamic Jihad with fugitives have quickly embarked upon planting Improvised Explosive devices at the Gaza Strip border posts with Israel. Israeli Counter Offensive The Israeli Defence Forces at once returned the Rocket attacks and bombing sprees by striking the bases of these operatives. At least one Palestinian belonging to the Islamic Jihad was killed along with three others wounded who belonged to the Al Qassam Brigade of the of the Hamas according to the Jerusalem Battalion website of the Islamic Jihad.
Between 23rd February to26th, IDF carried out air strikes that destroyed a training camp, ammo dump, tunnels weapon manufacturing sites. At Gaza City itself a base at Netzarim was snuffed out. Muslim Brotherhood alliance with Hamas The Hamas has increased its sphere of influence in the after math of Egyptian Uprising. The Brotherhood already had been fronting Hamas' objectives since the foiled attempt at a Gaza Flotilla to break through the naval cordon.
Israeli Navy had intercepted huge gun smuggling that ship in rockets and arsenals that are brought in from the Iranian sponsors and black market. Judea and Samaria erupts Unrest in the Arab world had been quickly sought to be turned around the Palestinian issue. At Judea and Samaria the Brotherhood escapees fomented huge demonstrations that ended up with head on collision with Israeli security forces. Bilain and Ni Lin strongholds of Islamic Jihad were made a pilgrimage for Protesters from abroad who converged for the show.
This was even as Rocket attacks were hiked up targeting civilian centres inside Israel to draw out a response from Israeli defence forces.
Now all that you read above was posted at my TV blog some days before the murder of a Rabbi's family in the settlements.
Not surprsingly, the settlement sits inside Samaria.
Though Palestininas authorities distanced themselves from that quite macabre slaughter, when both parents were killed even as two surviving kids watched, what shocked the observers was the kniving of a baby in the cradle and a 11 year old as well.
Netanyahu during his condolence visit quipped to the inconsolable family-
"They kill.We build.We will build"
Next day Isreal anounced the expansion of the Settlements.
What we had posted then was a probe whether the Prison escapees had a hand in that slaying.
Reason? Inspite of all the bad blood between Palestinians and Jews, the barbarity displayed points to such long incacerated convicts and felons who alone would be capable of such deeds.
Ofcourse the hard boiled ideolgue among ranks of Radicals would agree to pursue and slay the last Jew hiding behind the stone that would cry to give his hide away, here is the convergence of both such elements- when most dreaded elements among the ranks of the Islamic Jihad organisation walked scot free in droves in a simultaneous jail break, that resulted in many Prison guards' death by gunfire- indicating involvement of both the Islamic Jihad and Hamas operatives assisting the Prison break.
Now comes after a long spell of relative immunity from Terror strikes, the bus station bombing on the 24rth March at Jerusalem that killed a woman and seriously injured 3 others including children.
In the back drop an another round of escalation of Rocket attacks into Israel from Palestinian territory.
If anything, this just confirms our saying that the Prison break is a part of a larger islamist grand uprising that is seeking dramatic theatre action in a battle with Israel to galvanise the Arab unrest behind it, in its quest for a Pan Islamic Neo-Kalifate.
Other Operatives belonging to the Islamic Jihad with fugitives have quickly embarked upon planting Improvised Explosive devices at the Gaza Strip border posts with Israel. Israeli Counter Offensive The Israeli Defence Forces at once returned the Rocket attacks and bombing sprees by striking the bases of these operatives. At least one Palestinian belonging to the Islamic Jihad was killed along with three others wounded who belonged to the Al Qassam Brigade of the of the Hamas according to the Jerusalem Battalion website of the Islamic Jihad.
Between 23rd February to26th, IDF carried out air strikes that destroyed a training camp, ammo dump, tunnels weapon manufacturing sites. At Gaza City itself a base at Netzarim was snuffed out. Muslim Brotherhood alliance with Hamas The Hamas has increased its sphere of influence in the after math of Egyptian Uprising. The Brotherhood already had been fronting Hamas' objectives since the foiled attempt at a Gaza Flotilla to break through the naval cordon.
Israeli Navy had intercepted huge gun smuggling that ship in rockets and arsenals that are brought in from the Iranian sponsors and black market. Judea and Samaria erupts Unrest in the Arab world had been quickly sought to be turned around the Palestinian issue. At Judea and Samaria the Brotherhood escapees fomented huge demonstrations that ended up with head on collision with Israeli security forces. Bilain and Ni Lin strongholds of Islamic Jihad were made a pilgrimage for Protesters from abroad who converged for the show.
This was even as Rocket attacks were hiked up targeting civilian centres inside Israel to draw out a response from Israeli defence forces.
Now all that you read above was posted at my TV blog some days before the murder of a Rabbi's family in the settlements.
Not surprsingly, the settlement sits inside Samaria.
Though Palestininas authorities distanced themselves from that quite macabre slaughter, when both parents were killed even as two surviving kids watched, what shocked the observers was the kniving of a baby in the cradle and a 11 year old as well.
Netanyahu during his condolence visit quipped to the inconsolable family-
"They kill.We build.We will build"
Next day Isreal anounced the expansion of the Settlements.
What we had posted then was a probe whether the Prison escapees had a hand in that slaying.
Reason? Inspite of all the bad blood between Palestinians and Jews, the barbarity displayed points to such long incacerated convicts and felons who alone would be capable of such deeds.
Ofcourse the hard boiled ideolgue among ranks of Radicals would agree to pursue and slay the last Jew hiding behind the stone that would cry to give his hide away, here is the convergence of both such elements- when most dreaded elements among the ranks of the Islamic Jihad organisation walked scot free in droves in a simultaneous jail break, that resulted in many Prison guards' death by gunfire- indicating involvement of both the Islamic Jihad and Hamas operatives assisting the Prison break.
Now comes after a long spell of relative immunity from Terror strikes, the bus station bombing on the 24rth March at Jerusalem that killed a woman and seriously injured 3 others including children.
In the back drop an another round of escalation of Rocket attacks into Israel from Palestinian territory.
If anything, this just confirms our saying that the Prison break is a part of a larger islamist grand uprising that is seeking dramatic theatre action in a battle with Israel to galvanise the Arab unrest behind it, in its quest for a Pan Islamic Neo-Kalifate.