One Interesting Bible Story For Children
Telling bedtime stories to children is a tradition that will forever stay alive and exciting.
These stories play a very important part in shaping up the character and morals of younger generation, and hence, the whole nation.
Little children tend to take their story characters as their role models and aspire to be just like them.
The stories also invoke a sense of good and bad in the children and subconsciously build their personality.
This is why, it is important to be very wise while choosing the right stories to tell your children.
These stories should give a lesson of honesty, bravery, obedience, courage, faith and respect.
The best book you can find for such stories is the Holy Bible.
You can get many Christian books for children that tell the Jesus story and other stories from new and old testament in a very simple and inspiring way.
Of course, there are many other stories in Bible, besides the Christ's.
One of such stories is the story of Jonah and the whale.
Jonah was a prophet of God who was born in Israel during 780 B.
At the time of Jonah, there was a powerful evil nation, Assyria.
Assyrians were enemies of Israel.
The Lord ordered Jonah to go to Nineveh, the capital of Assyrians, where the Ninevites people were involved in many sinful acts.
God told him to preach the Ninevites and ask them to repent and warn them about the consequences of their ignorance.
Yet Jonah did not want to go there as it was his enemy land.
Maybe he wanted them to suffer God's wrath or may be he was afraid of getting killed.
Instead of heading for Nineveh, Jonah disobeyed God's will and got a ship that was going to Spain.
While he was on his Journey to Tarshish, a great storm caught the ship and started tossing it badly.
It was a tradition in those days that in case of such storms, the crew used to cast a lot.
Who ever the lot fell on was supposed to be the one responsible for the trouble.
The crew of Jonah's ship decided to cast a lot too and unfortunately the lot fell on Jonah.
The crew asked Jonah about what bad deed he has done to cause such trouble to all of them.
Jonah admits that he had tried to run away from God's order and suggests that he should be thrown overboard in order to save everyone else on board.
The sailors threw him overboard and the storm calmed down.
Before Jonah could drown, God sent a big fish which swallowed Jonah alive.
Jonah was saved and remained inside the fish's belly.
According to bible, he stayed there for three days and three nights.
He did not complain nor did he fear, instead he prayed all the time and praised his Lord for his generosity, thanked his God for sparing his life.
After three days and three nights, God ordered the fish to spit Jonah out on the shore.
Jonah now followed God's order and went to Nineveh where he preached to the people.
Amazingly, the people of Nineveh including the King listened to Jonah and repented.
In this way, God brought salvation upon the Nineveh through Jonah who was not happy with this fact and showed his anger by running away to a distant shelter.
Living in rage there, he asked God why He spared the wicked nation.
The God replied "But Nineveh has more than 120,000 people living in spiritual darkness, not to mention all the animals.
Shouldn't I feel sorry for such a great city?" (Jonah 4:11 NLT) The story of Jonah, therefore, is one wonderful story about obedience and God's mercy upon his creatures.
It definitely gives us a lesson about obeying God's order and not questioning His will.
These stories play a very important part in shaping up the character and morals of younger generation, and hence, the whole nation.
Little children tend to take their story characters as their role models and aspire to be just like them.
The stories also invoke a sense of good and bad in the children and subconsciously build their personality.
This is why, it is important to be very wise while choosing the right stories to tell your children.
These stories should give a lesson of honesty, bravery, obedience, courage, faith and respect.
The best book you can find for such stories is the Holy Bible.
You can get many Christian books for children that tell the Jesus story and other stories from new and old testament in a very simple and inspiring way.
Of course, there are many other stories in Bible, besides the Christ's.
One of such stories is the story of Jonah and the whale.
Jonah was a prophet of God who was born in Israel during 780 B.
At the time of Jonah, there was a powerful evil nation, Assyria.
Assyrians were enemies of Israel.
The Lord ordered Jonah to go to Nineveh, the capital of Assyrians, where the Ninevites people were involved in many sinful acts.
God told him to preach the Ninevites and ask them to repent and warn them about the consequences of their ignorance.
Yet Jonah did not want to go there as it was his enemy land.
Maybe he wanted them to suffer God's wrath or may be he was afraid of getting killed.
Instead of heading for Nineveh, Jonah disobeyed God's will and got a ship that was going to Spain.
While he was on his Journey to Tarshish, a great storm caught the ship and started tossing it badly.
It was a tradition in those days that in case of such storms, the crew used to cast a lot.
Who ever the lot fell on was supposed to be the one responsible for the trouble.
The crew of Jonah's ship decided to cast a lot too and unfortunately the lot fell on Jonah.
The crew asked Jonah about what bad deed he has done to cause such trouble to all of them.
Jonah admits that he had tried to run away from God's order and suggests that he should be thrown overboard in order to save everyone else on board.
The sailors threw him overboard and the storm calmed down.
Before Jonah could drown, God sent a big fish which swallowed Jonah alive.
Jonah was saved and remained inside the fish's belly.
According to bible, he stayed there for three days and three nights.
He did not complain nor did he fear, instead he prayed all the time and praised his Lord for his generosity, thanked his God for sparing his life.
After three days and three nights, God ordered the fish to spit Jonah out on the shore.
Jonah now followed God's order and went to Nineveh where he preached to the people.
Amazingly, the people of Nineveh including the King listened to Jonah and repented.
In this way, God brought salvation upon the Nineveh through Jonah who was not happy with this fact and showed his anger by running away to a distant shelter.
Living in rage there, he asked God why He spared the wicked nation.
The God replied "But Nineveh has more than 120,000 people living in spiritual darkness, not to mention all the animals.
Shouldn't I feel sorry for such a great city?" (Jonah 4:11 NLT) The story of Jonah, therefore, is one wonderful story about obedience and God's mercy upon his creatures.
It definitely gives us a lesson about obeying God's order and not questioning His will.