Technology Microsoft Software & solutions

How To Find the IP Address of a Windows 8 Computer

What's your street address? Let's say it's this:

123 Main St., Anytown, CA 56789

That's a lot of information. It identifies which house you live in, on which street, in which town, in which state. It specifically locates you, so that anyone who knows that address can find you.

The IP address of a computer does exactly the same thing: it identifies which computer is on which network, anywhere on the Internet.

So if someone wants to send you an email, his or her computer can locate your specific one out of the billions that are connected. How does that computer know how to find yours? It looks up your IP address (don't worry, we won't get into how it finds it), and knows that you're the owner of that precise computer on that precise network. It's your house number.

But how do you know what your computer address is? In Windows 8/8.1, there are numerous ways to find out.

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