How to Tune a Notebook
- 1). Log on to your laptop and click on the "Start" button. Choose "Control Panel" from the menu. Click on the "Add/Remove Programs" icon, and look at the list of programs; remove any programs you no longer use. This will free up space on your hard drive and prevent unneeded services from running in the background.
- 2). Click on the "Start" button and choose "All Programs" from the menu. Point to "Accessories" and choose "System Tools" from the menu. Choose the "Disk Cleanup" utility, then use it to remove unneeded setup files, temporary files and programs.
- 3). Click on the "Start" button and choose "Run" from the menu. Type "msconfig" in the box to open the system configuration utility. Go to the "Startup" tab and uncheck any items that do not need to start each time your computer does. Leave the boxes for your anti-virus and anti-spyware utilities checked.
- 4). Install additional random access memory (RAM) in your laptop to help it perform faster---one of the most cost-effective upgrades you can perform. To determine what type of memory you need, log on to the website of a memory manufacturer, and enter the make and model of your laptop. Purchase the memory, and install it by turning your laptop upside down and removing the screw from the memory compartment. Pry the cover off of the memory compartment, and carefully insert the new memory module into the slot. Check to ensure that the retaining clips hold the memory firmly in place.