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Truck Spray-Lining Industry Overview

The bedliner industry follows after a standard American business model that consists of: Big corporate companies with the franchise models; the small - mid-size that focuses more on material and support; The Do it yourself (DIY) model, serving a little volume to a LOT of people).

This article discusses the basic kind of business models common to the spray bedliner industry. The goal is to expose the types of business opportunities, raise interest in the investment potential of this market and expose information that can cause customer complaints about spray-lining companies.

Bedliner Business
1. There are a few really big players that offer franchise opportunities to those with the resources and time to devote to a fairly expensive startup model.2. There are those bedliner distributors and sales offices that try to move product and increase return customer revenue by offering locked territories, wholesale product and technical support. With these, it is up to the business owner to generate most of the business, but the start up cost is relatively low and in this industry, the potential company is probably adding the bedliner service on to an existing business structure.3. Some offer spray-lining dealerships and distributors as well as specialized training, discount pricing, marketing campaigns4. Lastly, support the Do it yourself (DIY) market and have found it to be very profitable and less stress than high dollar sales.

The Players in the Bedliner Industry
Rhino Linings Inc - The Pioneer - owned by Russell Lewis supposedly spun off from S. Africa Rhino to USA and Canada. Recently opened Rhino Industrial.Line-X - The first actual franchise bedliner business - Claudio Burton is thought to have been Rhinolinings head chemist.Ultimatelinings - A spin-off Rhino dealer gone AWOL - copied the Rhino spray-lining low pressure system and added a high pressure alternative (xtreme) to their spray-lining system.

The Invent of the Bedliner Industry

Picking the right solutionIf you are interested in starting or adding a spray lining dealership to your existing or start up business, contact spray-lining at (877)891-8741 to find out how this opportunity can work for you.
Spray-lining Articles in the Works

We are going to be covering all major topics regarding the bedliner industry in the weeks to come. These will include topics like:

- Sales Rep Complaints

- Coating failures of sprayed truck bedliners

- Spray bedliner warranties

- Name brand bedliner cost versus ROI

- Problems with local marketing for bedliner dealerships

- MOREPlease look for our newest articles being released on squidoo and hubpages.

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