Technology Microsoft Software & solutions

How to Install Just Part of OpenOffice Suite

    • 1). Double-click the installer file to begin the installation. Give the program permission to install or to make changes to the computer, if the system prompts you to do so.

    • 2). Click "Next" to continue. Wait while the installer unpacks files and performs other pre-installation tasks. Click "Next" again to begin configuring the OpenOffice installation.

    • 3). Choose "Custom" on the "Setup Type" screen and click "Next."

    • 4). Click on the drop-down menu icon next to an application under " Program Modules." Choose "This feature will not be available" to exclude the application from the installation.

    • 5). Click on the "+"symbol next to "Optional Components" to expand the tree.

    • 6). Click on the drop-down menu icon next to a component name. Choose "This feature will not be available" to remove the component from the installation.

    • 7). Click "Next" to set other installation options, such as file associations, and complete the installation as prompted.

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