Technology Microsoft Software & solutions

How Do I Allow Cookies for a Specific Site on My HP Computer?

    • 1). Click the Start button on the menu bar located in the lower-left corner of your desktop, click "All Programs" and "Internet Explorer."

    • 2). Click "Tools" at the top of the Internet Explorer menu and select "Internet Options" from the drop-down menu.

    • 3). Select the "Privacy" tab in the Internet Options window and, and slide the "Settings" bar to the top. Click the "Sites" button to access the site customization window.

    • 4). Type the name of website you want to allow cookies into the "Address of website" field, and click the "Allow" button.

    • 5). Click the "OK" button, and click "OK" on the "Internet Options" window to save the configuration settings and exit out of Internet Options.

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