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How to Get Lexplore Out of My Registry

    • 1). Restart your computer. Wait for the computer to display the manufacturer's logo. Press whichever key your computer uses to access the Safe Mode menu. This key will usually be "F2" or "F8."

    • 2). Scroll down and highlight "Safe Mode." Press "Enter" and wait for the operating system to finish loading.

    • 3). Open the Start menu and click the "Run" option. Type "regedit" and press Enter to launch the Registry Editor.

    • 4). Press the "Ctrl" and "F" keys simultaneously. Type "lexplore" into the search box and press Enter.

    • 5). Right-click the first registry key that appears in the search results and choose "Delete." Delete each of the other Lexplore registry keys in the search results.

    • 6). Close the Registry Editor. Open your computer's antivirus program. Run the program's update procedure and then choose the option to scan the entire hard drive.

    • 7). Select the "Remove Problems" option when the scan finishes running. Restart your computer to finish removing the Sodabot virus.

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