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How to Clean and Disinfect Chrome Curl Bars

    • 1). Perform regular cleanings after each use by wiping the bar with a cloth that is moistened with white vinegar. The white vinegar cleans and acts as a mild disinfectant. Wipe dry with a clean, dry cloth.

    • 2). Remove stains and spills that have dried by moistening a cloth with vinegar and dipping the cloth into a small pile of baking soda. Rub the stain with the cloth to remedy the problem. The baking soda will act as a gentle abrasive that removes stains but doesn't scratch the chrome.

    • 3). Spray disinfectant cleaning spray directly onto the bar to periodically kill viruses and bacteria. Wipe off the bar with a clean, dry cloth.

    • 4). Use a cloth dipped in hot, soapy water to clean very dirty curl bars. Sometimes bars may get extremely dirty if they are left in unprotected storage. Dry the bar and follow up with a disinfecting spray.

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