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Cleaning a Vomit Smell From Car Upholstery

Some people don't feel well when traveling with a bus or car and sometimes vomit may get onto their car's upholstery. The smell is pretty embarrassing and even worse once the liquid gets to the upholstery, the odour will become trapped in the fibres. As soon as this happens, cleaning the mess will be not enough to remove the unpleasant smell. In this article I will show you how to eliminate the odour with a few products that are available in most homes. No need to waste money on expensive commercial cleaners as you can use a few household products for the mission.

For beginning you will need white vinegar and water. Mix them in a bowl using a spoon or anything useful that can do the job. After bring a few paper towels and wipe the vomit from your upholstery with them. In case the pollution is not fresh you can use a plastic utensil in order to scrape off the dried substance. Then use paper towels again this time to remove the residue.

Now, we can finally apply the cleaning mixture you have already prepared. Use a clean cloth and dip it into the solution and treat the stained area gently, trying not to saturate the spot too much. Instead of a clean cloth you can also use a sponge.

For the next task you will have to rinse the area with another cloth, but before that dip it in water and squeeze it well. Now, blot the area with a clean dry cloth and try to absorb the excess moisture. At this point you need to cover the area with a layer of baking soda. It can be used to remove the moisture from the fabric and also to absorb lingering odours. Open you windows and leave them like that for a couple of minutes to allow fresh air to circulate around your vehicle. Once the area is dry, use a shop vac to vacuum the baking soda.

According to cleaning experts such as cleaners Reservoir you should leave a bowl of baking soda in your car overnight as that will help to absorb odours that remained. When it comes to cleaning the upholstery of an expensive car, it is a good idea not to risk to damage your vehicle's interior and to refer to professionals for best results. They will guarantee you best results and visit you at convenient for you time and date.

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