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How to Reboot an Advent Computer

    • 1). Click "Start" in the taskbar. Select the right arrow in Vista or click on "Turn off Computer" for other Windows operating systems. Select "Restart."

    • 2). Alternatively, press the Control, Alt and Delete keys simultaneously. Then do it again. This will reboot the computer.

    • 3). Press and hold the power button for about 3 to 5 seconds. The computer will shut down. Turn the computer back on.

      Sometimes, this is a better way to reboot. Shutting off the computer and waiting 45 seconds allows the capacitors to discharge and the memory to fully flush. This process allows for a cleaner boot.

    • 4). Disconnect the power cord. Do not go this route unless none of the other options work. Reconnect the power cord. Then turn on the computer.

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